The signs & symptoms of PCOS you should know

The signs & symptoms of PCOS you should know

February 26, 2019

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), a hormonal disorder affects over 10 million women around the world. You might be one of them and yet unaware of it! Yes, around 1 in every 10 women suffers from PCOS and yet half of them don’t even know about it. However, every women of reproductive age should know about this condition, as PCOS can affect you in more than one ways. It can affect your menstrual cycle, weight and physical appearance as well. Early diagnosis and treatment can help control the symptoms and prevent further complications. Here are the symptoms of PCOS, which you should know.    

Primary symptoms of PCOS

  • Increased acne
  • Irregular periods
  • Unwanted hair growth on face
  • Anxiety & mood swings
  • Sudden & uncontrolled weight gain
  • Dark spots on the skin
  • Inability to conceive.  

Secondary Symptoms of PCOS

  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Depression
  • Cravings for sugar
  • Low sex drive
  • Diabetes
  • High Cholestrol.

In PCOS, egg follicles get trapped just under the surface of the ovary, due to which ovaries are unable to release eggs. This process is important for normal ovulation. As ovulation does not occur, menstrual cycle becomes irregular or is absent. Instead, multiple small cysts are formed within the ovaries.

For diagnosis of PCOS, doctors usually recommend an ultrasound of uterus, ovaries and the pelvis. This helps to identify if there are any cysts on your ovaries. PCOS is diagnosed if there are 12 or more follicles visible on one ovary, or the size of one or both ovaries is increased. Transvaginal ultrasound is only performed on women who have been sexually active.  It is safe and painless procedure. Else, an abdominal scan is done. Here, the ovaries are viewed from the outside through the stomach wall.

Blood tests can be recommended to check the levels of androgens in your body. Tests may also be done to assess the levels of oestrogen, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinising hormone (LH), the other reproductive hormones that can affect menstruation.  PCOS is diagnosed when there are high levels of 'male' hormones androgens in the blood.

PCOS treatment

Homeopathy has proven efficacy in treatment of PCOS. Homeopathic remedies work at the root level, which ensures that the root cause of PCOS is treated and not just the symptoms. Therefore, while it provides relief from the symptoms of PCOS, homeopathy also works on correcting hormonal imbalance, regularising ovulation as well as restoring menstrual normalcy.

Moreover, homeopathy offers to every patient a customized treatment. Every woman with PCOS is given a different homeopathic remedy, which is specific to her, ensuring it effectively addresses the root cause of her hormonal disturbance. Also, homeopathy treats PCOS without causing any side-effects. While the hormonal imbalances can be kept in check, homeopathy can also help to treat infertility in women who are planning for pregnancy.

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