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Alopecia Areata Treatment

Alopecia areata is a common type of hair loss that affects many people in India. It is an autoimmune disorder characterised by small patches. It causes bald spots on the scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes, face, and other body parts. The condition occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks the hair follicles, losing hair.

Table of Content [hide]
  1. Alopecia Areata Treatment
  2. Understanding Alopecia Areata
  3. Signs and Symptoms of Alopecia
  4. Who gets Alopecia Areata?
  5. Types of Alopecia Areata
  6. Diagnosis and Evaluation of Alopecia Areata
  7. Homeopathic Treatment and Medicines For Alopecia Areata
  8. Self-Care Tips for Alopecia
  9. Why Choose Dr Batra's® for Alopecia Areata Treatment?
  10. FAQs

Understanding Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata is a condition in which people suddenly start losing their hair. This happens because the immune system, which usually fights infections, mistakenly attacks the hair follicles (the tiny structures that grow hair). This attack causes hair to fall out, often in small patches about the size of a coin.

People with alopecia areata might see their hair grow back eventually, but it can also fall out again. Sometimes, hair loss can be permanent. There's no cure for alopecia areata, but there are treatments that can help hair grow back more quickly, such as steroid creams or injections and other medications that modulate the immune system.

It's also worth noting that alopecia areata is more than just a cosmetic issue. It can be quite stressful and affect a person's self-esteem.

Causes of Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system attacks the hair follicles, resulting in hair loss. Medical experts have not yet fully understood the exact cause of this condition. However, they believe it results from genetic and environmental factors.

  • Stress, infections, medications, and hormonal changes trigger Alopecia areata.
  • A family history of autoimmune diseases may increase the risk of developing alopecia areata.
  • Some genetic variations might be associated with an increased risk of alopecia areata.

Despite ongoing research, the exact cause of alopecia areata is still unknown. Further studies and clinical trials are needed to understand the underlying mechanisms.

But with modern science, alopecia areata homeopathic treatment is very efficient in reducing complications.

Signs and Symptoms of Alopecia

The main symptom of alopecia areata is hair loss, which typically occurs in small, round patches on the scalp. However, hair loss can also occur on other body parts, such as the beard, eyebrows, and eyelashes.

Alopecia areata hair loss often shows smooth, round bald patches without signs of skin irritation. The affected area may sometimes feel slightly itchy or painful, but this is not always the case.

Alopecia areata can also cause a range of other symptoms, including:

  • Excessive shedding of hair: Some people with alopecia areata may experience more hair loss than others. It results in a more widespread thinning of the hair. Hair falls every time it is pulled.
  • Changes in nail texture and appearance: In some cases, alopecia areata causes changes in the texture—the appearance of the nails, such as pitting, ridging, or cracking.
  • Emotional distress: Hair loss can have a significant impact on a person's emotional well-being, leading to anxiety, depression, and other emotional symptoms.

It's important to note that the symptoms of alopecia areata can vary widely from person to person, and some people may experience more severe or widespread hair loss than others.

If you are experiencing hair loss or other symptoms, it's important to speak with a qualified homeopathic doctor to determine the underlying cause and receive the right treatment for alopecia areata.

Excessive Shedding of Hair

This autoimmune condition causes excessive hair loss accompanied by visible patches the size of a coin in later stages. Still, it doesn't need to be the sole reason for such symptoms. Various other reasons may lead to a similar hair-loss pattern:

  1. Nutritional deficiencies—Various vitamins, such as Vitamins C and D, and minerals like iron and zinc, are vital for hair growth. Deficiency of any of these may result in similar hair loss.
  2. Androgenetic alopecia (male/female pattern baldness) - Age-related hair thinning due to genetics and changing hormone levels.
  3. Scalp health - Many conditions, like psoriasis and dermatitis, can also cause hair thinning and patches.
  4. Stress accelerates hair loss and can also be a side effect of some medications.

Changes in Nail Texture and Appearances

More than 30% of the patients experience changes in nail texture and appearance. Here are some of the commonly observed signs:

  • Dentings- Small pits and dents are visible on nails in needle-sized alopecia areata patients.
  • Trachyonychia- Sandpaper-like rough surface over nails with a rough texture that looks worn out.
  • Discolouration- The patient's nails often appear discoloured with a tint of yellow on the surface.
  • Others- In extreme cases, the nail bed may also uproot from its end and come off.

Emotional Stress

While the stress may not directly cause alopecia areata, it often works as a catalyst as it facilitates two conditions in major:

  • Telogen effluvium: This hair-loss type is temporary and induced 2-3 months after a stressful event and can be controlled with the right medications in less time.
  • Immune-system disturbance: Chronic stress can weaken the immune system over time, making it more vulnerable and likely to attack healthy tissues like hair follicles, ultimately causing alopecia.

Who gets Alopecia Areata?

Alopecia areata is a common autoimmune disorder causing hair loss on the scalp and body. It affects people of all ages, genders, and ethnicities and can run in families. Also, emotional trauma can act as a trigger.

A study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology concluded that individuals with a family history of alopecia areata are at a higher risk. The risk also increases for those with other autoimmune disorders like thyroid disease and type 1 diabetes.

Those who experience significant stress or trauma before onset may also experience more severe hair loss. While anyone can develop the condition, certain factors may increase the likelihood.

Types of Alopecia Areata

Various types of alopecia areata vary in terms of severity and progression. The most common types of alopecia areata include:

Alopecia Areata 

This is the most common form of the condition. It typically results in one or more small, round patches of hair loss on the scalp and can also affect other body areas. These patches are usually relatively smooth and clear of hair, and they can appear suddenly over a few days or weeks.

Alopecia Totalis 

This form of alopecia areata is more severe because it leads to complete hair loss across the scalp. People with alopecia totalis lose all the hair on their heads, making it a more challenging condition to treat and manage emotionally and physically.

Alopecia Universalis 

This is the most extreme form of alopecia areata and involves hair loss across the entire body, not just the scalp. This includes eyebrows, eyelashes, pubic hair, and all body hair. Alopecia Universalis is quite rare and can significantly impact a person's life due to its extensive nature.


Ophiasis is a less common form of alopecia areata, where hair loss occurs in a wave-like pattern around the sides and lower back of the scalp. This band-like pattern can be complicated to treat, and hair regrowth in this form of alopecia areata can be less predictable than in other forms.

Diffuse Alopecia Areata 

Diffuse alopecia areata is a less common form of alopecia areata that results in sudden and unexpected hair thinning across the entire scalp rather than the more typical round, patchy hair loss. This type of hair loss can be extensive and sometimes be mistaken for other forms of hair loss, like telogen effluvium, typically caused by stress, illness, or hormonal changes.

The key difference with diffuse alopecia areata is that, similar to other alopecia areata, it's driven by the immune system attacking the hair follicles. However, unlike other forms, it affects a larger area of the scalp more uniformly. This can make it challenging to diagnose because the hair loss is more widespread and doesn't present the distinct, patchy bald spots seen in classic alopecia areata.

Diagnosis and Evaluation of Alopecia Areata

When diagnosing alopecia areata, our hair experts can quickly identify the distinct and apparent bald patches that characterise this condition. However, a comprehensive medical history, physical examination, and blood tests can provide valuable insights to help our doctors understand your unique situation and develop an effective alopecia areata treatment.

At Dr Batra's®, the diagnosis of alopecia areata involves the following steps:

  • Medical History: Our doctors will take a detailed medical history to identify any underlying medical conditions causing your hair loss.
  • Video Microscopy Test: We utilise a painless video microscopy test that magnifies the hair follicle and scalp up to 200 times. This test provides our doctors with crucial information on:
  • Hair Density: The thickness of hair on the scalp.
  • Hair Strand: Certain changes occur to the hair strand, which are characteristics of alopecia areata. The naked eye cannot see these changes, so a video microscope is of immense use to a hair doctor. 
  • Hair and Scalp Condition: The overall condition of the hair strands and scalp.
  • Treatment Plan: With this information, our hair experts can make a more accurate diagnosis and tailor a treatment that suits your specific need

Scalp Analysis and Trichoscopy

During the initial consultation, the doctor will discuss your medical history, including any recent illnesses, family history of hair loss, and medications you are taking. After that, a detailed scalp examination is conducted. The doctor will closely examine your scalp to understand the location, size, and pattern of hair loss.

Trichoscopy is a noninvasive technique in which a specialised hand-held device with magnification examines the scalp and hair follicles in detail. It can reveal specific features of alopecia areata, such as black dots, yellow dots, etc.

Diagnostic Tests for Alopecia Areata 

Sometimes, the doctors will conduct diagnostic tests to examine alopecia areata further. These tests include blood tests, hair pull tests, scalp biopsy, and more.

Homeopathic Treatment and Medicines For Alopecia Areata

Homeopathy treatment for alopecia areata is safe and effective and treats the root cause of alopecia areata. The goal of alopecia areata medicine in homeopathy is to treat the underlying autoimmune condition, which is attacking hair follicles, causing them to fall.

Homeopathy medicines for hair fall and Alopecia Areata are made from natural substances such as plant extracts, minerals, and animal products. The specific medicine a homeopath prescribes will depend on the patient's symptoms and medical history.

Some of the Best Homeopathic Medicines For Hair Fall And Alopecia Areata Include

  • Arsenicum album: This medicine is recommended for people with Alopecia Areata who experience intense itching and burning on the scalp.
  • Thuja occidentalis: This medicine is prescribed for people with Alopecia Areata who have patchy hair loss and warts on the scalp.
  • Phosphorus: This medicine is recommended for people with Alopecia Areata who experience rapid hair loss with hair thinning.
  • Natrum muriaticum: This medicine is prescribed for people with alopecia areata who experience hair loss due to stress and emotional disturbances.

In addition to homeopathic medicine for alopecia areata, homeopathic doctors recommend certain lifestyle modifications and dietary changes to improve overall health and promote hair growth. These may include stress reduction techniques, regular exercise, and a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals.

Key Homeopathic Remedies

Numerous alopecia areata homeopathic remedies treat the root cause and ease your symptoms. Some key homeopathic remedies include Thuja Occidentalis, Sabal Serrulata, Silicea, Lycopodium, and more. They strengthen your immune system to fight against the underlying cause and promote hair health.

Individualised Treatment Plans

Homeopathy individualised treatment plans are tailored considering the skin condition, the severity of the symptoms, and the patient's medical history. Our doctors will examine your condition physically, conduct tests, assess the results, and offer personalised alopecia areata homeopathic treatment.

Holistic Approach to Hair Restoration 

In homeopathy, a holistic approach is followed for quick, safe, and effective hair restoration. Besides the treatment and homeopathy medicines, our doctors will also recommend diet modifications, lifestyle changes, and emotional and psychological support.

Self-Care Tips for Alopecia

Here are some self-care tips that can help manage the symptoms of Alopecia Areata:

  1. Protect your scalp: Wear a hat or scarf to protect your scalp from the sun and cold weather. This will help prevent damage to your hair follicles and scalp.
  1. Avoid harsh hair treatments: Avoid chemical treatments, such as hair colouring, perming, or straightening, as these can damage your hair and scalp. Use gentle hair care products, such as sulfate-free shampoos and conditioners.
  1. Practice stress reduction techniques: Stress can trigger or worsen alopecia areata. To reduce stress levels, practice relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, yoga, or meditation.
  1. Eat a balanced diet: Eat a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, such as iron, zinc, and vitamin B12, which are essential for healthy hair growth. Include vegetables like leafy greens, nuts, seeds, and lean proteins.
  1. Exercise regularly: Regular exercise can help reduce stress levels and improve blood flow to your scalp, promoting hair growth.
  1. Seek support: Alopecia Areata can be a challenging condition to deal with, both physically and emotionally. Seek support from family, friends, or support groups to cope with the condition.

Self-care is an essential part of managing alopecia areata. By taking these steps, you can improve your overall health and well-being while managing the symptoms of alopecia areata.

Why Choose Dr Batra's® for Alopecia Areata Treatment?

Homeopathy offers a safe medium for alopecia areata natural treatment. At Dr Batra's, homeopathic medicine for alopecia areata is made from natural ingredients and is free from side effects.

The medicines can be safely taken by people of all age groups without any fear of addiction. Homeopathy's treatment for alopecia areata helps to slow down the progression of bald patches and aids in hair regrowth. Therefore, it offers the best alopecia treatment.

Here are some reasons why you should choose Dr Batra's® Alopecia Areata Treatment:

Expertise in alopecia areata treatment

Regarding safe and efficient treatments for alopecia areata, Dr Batra's® is a reputable name in the homeopathic community. Because of our individualised approach and homeopathic expertise, we are the ideal option for patients looking for a safe and natural treatment for hair loss.

Dr Batra's® has a team of experienced and qualified homeopathic doctors specialising in treating Alopecia Areata. They have the knowledge and expertise to accurately diagnose the condition and create a customised treatment plan based on the patient's symptoms and medical history.

Accurate diagnosis

Dr Batra's® uses the latest technology and diagnostic tools, such as video microscopy, to accurately assess the hair and scalp's condition. This helps make an accurate diagnosis and provide an effective alopecia homeopathic treatment plan.

Personalised treatment

At Dr Batra's®, every patient is treated individually, and the treatment plan is personalised to suit their specific needs. Our homeopathic medicine for alopecia is prescribed according to your condition. It is safe, effective, and made from natural substances.

Latest technology

We combine the goodness of homeopathy with cutting-edge technology and advanced hair treatment to treat alopecia areata from the root cause.

Global presence

With over 200+ clinics worldwide, Dr Batra's® has a global presence and has treated patients worldwide. We have a reputation for providing safe and effective treatments for various health conditions, including Alopecia Areata.

Positive patient feedback

Dr Batra's® has a high patient satisfaction rate, with many patients reporting significant improvement in their hair growth and overall health after undergoing treatment. This is a testament to our treatments' effectiveness and our doctors' expertise.

Comprehensive care and support

At Dr Batra's®, we offer comprehensive care and support throughout your treatment. Our doctors will address all your concerns. You can get dietary devices and lifestyle modification tips that help cure alopecia. In addition, we offer guidance on managing stress and other emotional and psychological aspects.

Medically Reviewed


  • B.H.M.S (Maharashtra University of Health Sciences)

  • FCHD (Fellowship in Homeopathic Dermatologist - Mumbai)


What are the common homeopathic remedies to cure alopecia areata?

The common alopecia homeopathic remedies include:

  • Arsenicum album: This medicine is recommended for people with alopecia areata who experience intense itching and burning on the scalp.
  • Thuja occidentalis: This medicine is prescribed for people with alopecia areata with patchy hair loss and warts on the scalp.
  • Phosphorus: This medicine is recommended for people with alopecia areata who experience rapid hair loss with thinning hair.
  • Natrum muriaticum: This medicine is prescribed for people with alopecia areata who have hair loss due to stress and emotional disturbances.

How do we protect our scalps from different weather conditions?

During summers, use sunscreen, wear hats or caps to prevent sun damage, and wash your hair at least twice a week to cleanse the scalp and to avoid oil and dirt from settling. During winters: Prefer mild shampoos and avoid excessive heat styling hairs, which may lead to dry scalp and damaged roots.

How do exercises help hair growth?

Exercise, in general, helps us maintain good blood flow. With optimal exercise, you can boost your blood flow and promote new hair growth and better circulation of nutrients. This stimulates hair follicles and generates steady hair growth.

Which type of hair product causes alopecia areata?

Although there is no solid proof that styling products can lead to alopecia areata, it is recommended to avoid harsh chemical-based shampoos, prefer mild shampoos and wash them at least twice a week.

Can my hair really re-grow?

Yes. Unlike in male-pattern baldness, where the hair follicle shrinks, there is no damage to the hair follicle in alopecia areata. All the hair that is lost can come back with the right treatment.

I am losing hair in patches. I have noticed that some patches fill up while new ones appear. Do I need treatment?

Yes, you do. Alopecia areata is a condition which is known to come and go. So, patches filling up while new ones are appearing at the same time show that the condition is not under control. With effective treatment, your patches can fill up by preventing new ones from appearing.

I treated my alopecia areata with steroids, which worked for some time, but the patches have reappeared. What can I do?

There are some treatments that can help grow your hair temporarily. However, most of these treatments cannot prevent a relapse of your condition. A study conducted at Dr Batra's® showed that 91% patients did not relapse (reappearance of patches) as opposed to 50% patients who showed relapse with the conventional treatment of allopathy.

Can external treatments help me get treated for alopecia areata?

No. Alopecia areata is an internal condition caused by the immune system, and this ailment needs medical treatments to address its underlying causes.


I was suffering from patchy hair loss, I m a cricketer, I played on national level suddenly I feel my all hair going because of that I was feeling so much embarrassing and I can't go outside it was affecting my game also but after taking treatment from dr Batras my full hair growth came again.me and my mom is very happy, so much thankful to dr Batra to giving my confidence again

Arjun Sharma

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