Dandruff Treatment

Dandruff is a common scalp condition that can be caused by various factors, including yeast overgrowth, stress, and hormonal changes. Some common symptoms include itching, dryness, and the presence of white or grey flakes on the scalp. Fortunately, many effective dandruff treatments are available, including homeopathic treatment, specialised shampoos, and other natural remedies.

Table of Content [hide]
  1. Dandruff Treatment
  2. Understanding the Root Causes of Dandruff
  3. Scalp Conditions and Dandruff
  4. Common Signs and Symptoms of Dandruff
  5. How Is Dandruff Diagnosed
  6. Seborrheic Dermatitis vs. Dandruff: Understanding the Difference
  7. Scalp Treatment for Dandruff
  8. How To Get Rid Of Dandruff With Homeopathic Treatment
  9. Why Choose Dr Batra's® for Dandruff Treatment?
  10. FAQs

If you are wondering, “Can dandruff cause hair loss?” Then, yes, dandruff causes hair loss. Thus, seeking a proper diagnosis and treatment from a qualified healthcare provider or homeopathic doctor is important. Dandruff can be effectively managed and eliminated with the right care and attention.

Understanding the Root Causes of Dandruff

Are you wondering why does dandruff occur? Dandruff is a common scalp condition that a variety of factors can cause. While the exact causes of dandruff are not fully understood, several factors are believed to be causes of dandruff. These include:

Dandruff Causes Key Points
Yeast Overgrowth Malassezia yeast overgrowth is a common cause of dandruff on the scalp.
Dry Skin People with dry skin are more likely to experience dandruff, as their scalp is more prone to flaking and itching.
Seborrheic Dermatitis A common skin condition that causes oily, red, and scaly patches on the skin. It can cause dandruff when it affects the scalp.
Sensitivity to Hair Care Products Certain hair care products can irritate the scalp and trigger dandruff in some people.
Hormonal Changes Hormonal changes can lead to changes in the scalp's oil production, which can contribute to dandruff.

Scalp Conditions and Dandruff

The health of your scalp plays a crucial role in the presence or absence of dandruff. Conditions like dry skin, psoriasis, and dermatitis can lead to an unhealthy scalp environment. When the scalp is dry or irritated, it may produce extra skin cells, which then die and shed, leading to visible flakes commonly associated with dandruff.

Fungal Infections and Dandruff

One of the most common reasons for dandruff is a fungus known as Malassezia. This fungus lives on the scalp of most healthy adults without causing problems. However, it can grow out of control for some people and cause the scalp to produce extra skin cells. These extra cells die and mix with oil from the hair and scalp, forming dandruff.

Malassezia is a fungus that naturally resides on the skin, including the scalp. Under normal circumstances, it exists without causing any problems. However, in some people, certain conditions can lead to an overgrowth of this fungus, which plays a significant role in the development of dandruff.

Sebum Production and Dandruff

Sebum is the natural oil your scalp produces to moisturise your hair and scalp. However, excessive sebum production can contribute to dandruff. Too much oil can create an ideal environment for yeast-like fungi such as Malassezia to thrive, which exacerbates the dandruff problem.

Common Signs and Symptoms of Dandruff

Itching and Scalp Irritation

One of the most noticeable symptoms of dandruff is an itchy scalp. This itchiness can range from mild to severe and often becomes more intense if the scalp is not cleansed regularly or properly. The itching is usually caused by the irritation from the excess skin cells and oils accumulating on the scalp, which can lead to scratching. Frequent scratching can further irritate the scalp, creating a cycle of discomfort.

Flaking and White or Yellowish Scales

Flaking is the hallmark sign of dandruff. These flakes are dead skin cells shed from the scalp. Depending on the oiliness of the scalp, they can appear white or slightly yellowish. Flakes usually appear scattered throughout the hair on the shoulders and are especially noticeable on dark clothing. The size of the flakes can vary; some people may experience fine, almost powdery flakes, while others might see larger, more noticeable scales.

These flakes are often accompanied by other symptoms such as redness and inflammation, especially in severe dandruff or related scalp conditions like seborrheic dermatitis. The oil from the scalp can cause these flakes to clump together, making them more visible and sometimes even leading to a feeling of tightness on the scalp.

How Is Dandruff Diagnosed

Visual Examination and Scalp Analysis

The first step in diagnosing dandruff involves a healthcare provider or dermatologist conducting a thorough visual examination of your scalp. During this examination, they look for the typical signs of dandruff, such as white or yellowish flakes, redness, and inflamed skin. The pattern and amount of flake distribution across the scalp can also offer clues about the severity of the condition.

A scalp analysis helps distinguish dandruff from similar conditions like psoriasis or dermatitis, which can present similar symptoms. The health professional will check for the type of scaling and its distribution on the scalp and other body areas, which is crucial in diagnosing the specific type of scalp condition.

Diagnostic Tests for Dandruff

Diagnosing dandruff doesn't require specific tests. Generally, a healthcare provider's simple visual examination of the scalp is enough to identify dandruff based on the presence of visible flakes and other symptoms like scalp irritation and itchiness. This straightforward approach is usually sufficient because dandruff's characteristics are distinct and well-understood.

However, further investigation is considered to rule out other scalp conditions that mimic dandruff, such as psoriasis or seborrheic dermatitis in cases where the condition is severe or unusual.

Seborrheic Dermatitis vs. Dandruff: Understanding the Difference

Seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff are two closely related scalp conditions, but there are some key differences between the two.

Seborrheic Dermatitis

It is a more severe and chronic form of dandruff. It is a common skin condition that causes oily, red, and scaly patches. When it affects the scalp, it can cause dandruff. The exact cause of seborrheic dermatitis is unknown, but it is thought to be related to an overgrowth of yeast on the skin.

Symptoms and Causes of Seborrheic Dermatitis

Symptoms:Seborrheic Dermatitis causes skin to appear red and greasy, covered with flaky white or yellow scales. These symptoms can occur not just on the scalp but also on the face, behind the ears, chest, and other oily body areas. The affected areas might itch or burn, causing significant discomfort. This condition can be more severe during stress or cold, dry seasons.

Causes: The exact causes of Seborrheic Dermatitis aren't fully understood, but several factors contribute to its development. It's thought to be linked to an irregular immune system response or a reaction to a yeast called Malassezia that naturally exists on the skin's surface. This yeast overgrowth can irritate the skin and increase oil production, worsening the symptoms. Genetic factors and hormonal changes also play roles, making some people more susceptible to this condition.

Treatment Approaches for Seborrheic Dermatitis

Treatment for Seborrheic Dermatitis focuses on reducing the yeast presence on the skin, minimising inflammation, and controlling oil secretion. Here are some common treatment strategies:

  • Medicated Shampoos: Antifungal agents like ketoconazole, ciclopirox, or tar-based formulations are often recommended to help reduce yeast growth and soothe inflammation.
  • Topical Steroids: For more severe cases, topical corticosteroids can reduce swelling, redness, and itchiness. However, they should be used cautiously and under medical supervision to avoid potential side effects.
  • Antifungal Creams: Applying antifungal creams directly to the affected areas can help control the yeast contributing to this condition.
  • Calcineurin Inhibitors: Drugs like pimecrolimus and tacrolimus can be effective for treating skin inflammation and are sometimes used when other treatments are unsuitable.

Lifestyle adjustments, such as washing the affected areas daily, managing stress, and wearing breathable, natural-fibre clothing, can also help manage symptoms.


Dandruff is a milder form of scalp irritation characterised by white or gray flakes on the scalp and in the hair. It can be caused by various factors, including dry skin, sensitivity to hair care products, and yeast overgrowth.

Symptoms and Causes of Dandruff

Symptoms: Dandruff is primarily marked by white, lightweight flakes on the scalp and sometimes fall onto the shoulders and clothes. While it can sometimes cause the scalp to feel itchy, it does not typically lead to severe redness or inflammation, as seen in Seborrheic Dermatitis. The scalp may feel drier or oilier than usual, and the itching can lead to discomfort, especially if the skin is scratched frequently.

Causes: Dandruff can develop due to several reasons. Like Seborrheic Dermatitis, an overgrowth of Malassezia yeast on the scalp can contribute to shedding dead skin cells. Other factors include sensitivity to certain hair products, which can irritate the scalp and lead to flaking. Environmental factors such as cold and dry weather can exacerbate dandruff and poor hygiene, which allows oils and skin cells to build up on the scalp. Stress and poor diet may also influence the severity and occurrence of dandruff episodes.

Treatment Approaches for Dandruff

Homoeopathy treatment for dandruff is generally less complex and focuses on maintaining scalp health and minimising flake production. Here are some effective approaches:

  • Anti-Dandruff Shampoos: Regular use of over-the-counter dandruff shampoos is the most common treatment. Ingredients to look for include zinc pyrithione, selenium sulfide, coal tar, salicylic acid, and ketoconazole. These ingredients help reduce yeast growth and flaking.
  • Scalp Treatments: Scalp masks and treatments containing ingredients like tea tree oil or menthol can soothe the scalp and reduce flaking.
  • Proper Hair Care: Washing your hair regularly to avoid oil and skin cell buildup can help control dandruff. Alternating between different types of dandruff shampoos may prevent adaptation to one kind.
  • Lifestyle Changes: Managing stress and eating a balanced diet rich in zinc, B vitamins, and certain fats can help manage dandruff.

Scalp Treatment for Dandruff

Dandruff can cause discomfort and embarrassment. However, effective treatments are available to manage this condition. Here's a look at the best ways to treat dandruff, from medicated products to natural home remedies.

Medicated Shampoos and Treatments

The first line of scalp treatment for dandruff usually involves medicated shampoos designed to control the symptoms. These shampoos contain specific active ingredients that target the underlying causes of dandruff:

  • Zinc Pyrithione: Reduces fungus and bacteria on the scalp.
  • Selenium Sulfide: Slows down the production of skin cells and kills dandruff-causing fungi.
  • Ketoconazole: A strong antifungal that is effective against fungi and yeast.
  • Salicylic Acid: Helps eliminate scale buildup on the scalp.

It is recommended that you use these shampoos a few times a week at first, then less frequently once your dandruff is under control. Leave the shampoo on your scalp for at least 5 minutes before rinsing to give the active ingredients time to work.

Natural Remedies and Home Treatments

Many people prefer natural remedies for treating dandruff, as they can be gentle and free of chemicals:

  • Tea Tree Oil: Known for its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, it can be effective against dandruff. Add a few drops to your shampoo, or buy one with tea tree oil.
  • Coconut Oil: Coconut oil's antifungal properties make it ideal for applying to the scalp, helping to moisturise and reduce dandruff symptoms.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar: The acidity of apple cider vinegar can help stimulate the shedding of dead skin cells on the scalp. It also balances pH levels, which can inhibit yeast growth. Mix a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar with water and spray it onto your scalp. Leave it on for about an hour before washing it out.
  • Aloe Vera: Aloe vera is another soothing natural remedy for itchy scalps. It can help calm irritation and reduce redness and inflammation. To soothe irritation, apply pure aloe vera gel to your scalp before shampooing.

While these remedies can be helpful, it's important to note that their effectiveness can vary, and they might not work for everyone. If your dandruff persists despite home treatments, it's advisable to consult a dermatologist for a more targeted approach.

How To Get Rid Of Dandruff With Homeopathic Treatment

According to the NCBI study, people have reported success with homeopathic dandruff remedies such as Thuja, Graphites, Kali Sulphuricum, and Psorinum. The effectiveness of homeopathic medicines and treatments for dandruff may vary from person to person. Homeopathic remedies are based on "like cures" and are chosen based on the individual's unique symptoms and overall health.

It's important to note that if you have a severe case of dandruff or your symptoms persist despite trying homeopathic remedies, you should seek medical advice from a qualified homeopathy doctor. In some cases, other treatments may be necessary to manage dandruff effectively.

To get rid of dandruff, our homoeopathy doctors recommend personalised treatment plans tailored to your condition and symptoms, along with practical lifestyle changes.

Individualised Remedies and Treatment Plans

At Dr Batra's®, our doctors examine your skin condition, the severity of the disease, and your symptoms to provide individual treatments. We also recommend individualised remedies to help you get rid of dandruff quickly. The most common individualised remedies for dandruff are Thuja, Arsenicum Album, Sulphur, and more.

Holistic Approaches and Lifestyle Changes

At Dr Batra's®, we believe in holistic approaches that combine treatment plans with lifestyle changes to offer a more effective solution. Our doctors will recommend lifestyle changes, including diet, exercise, and more.

For example, you should eat a well-balanced diet and avoid that are high in fats and sugar. Make sure to stay hydrated and exercise regularly. Doing meditation or yoga is also recommended to relieve stress. Opt for gentle, soothing products instead of harsh, heavy, fragrant hair care products.

Why Choose Dr Batra's® for Dandruff Treatment?

Dr Batra's® is a reputable provider of personalised homeopathic solutions for dandruff. It utilises advanced video-microscopy technology and a team of skilled homeopathic doctors and trichologists to provide effective relief for patients. After thoroughly examining the patient's scalp, the team creates individualised dandruff treatment in homoeopathy that targets the root cause of the problem for natural and holistic healing. Our patients trust in the expertise of Dr Batra's® for timely and effective management of their dandruff concerns.

Expertise in Dandruff Treatment

At Dr Batra's, our doctors have several years of experience offering homoeopathy dandruff treatment plans. They can easily examine your skin condition and provide the best treatment with their expertise. As they understand the complexities associated with scalp health, you can rest assured you get the most effective treatment.

Personalised Treatment Plans

Our doctors know how to stop dandruff and hair loss, and we specialise in offering personalised dandruff treatment plans tailored to your condition. After considering your symptoms, medical history, and skin condition, you will get a personalised treatment plan. With our tailored treatment plans, we address the underlying cause and treat dandruff effectively.

Holistic Approach to Scalp Health

We believe in a holistic approach to improve scalp health quickly and effectively. Our doctors will combine traditional homeopathy treatments with lifestyle changes and home remedies. This way, we make sure to not only reduce dandruff but also enhance your scalp health.

Cured Cases
Patient receiving treatment for dandruff, showing visible flakes on the scalp | Dr. Batra's
Patient's scalp with dandruff, highlighting areas of irritation and flaking | Dr. Batra's
Patient demonstrating dandruff symptoms, with noticeable flakes in the hair | Dr. Batra's

Earlier I had a dandruff problem but since I am taking treatment from Dr.batras now I am happily satisfied with the results.

Ahmad Mukhi

I started my treatment last year from june 2017. I had severe dandruff and hairfall which was a great concern for me. The condition would have been worst of i couldnt start the treatment on time. Now its 8 months now my hairfall and dandruff has been reduced. Thanks to Dr kavita who guided and supported me throughout the treatment and also would like to thank the gro hair team specially sharukh.

Bhupesh Bhandari

I am taking my treatment for almost 1 year. I was having the dandruff problem, which is now resolved. Staff is very nice. My consulting doctor Mr. Amit Pandey, an affable personality, has advised and instructed me throughout my treatment because of which I have been able to got rid of my problem. I am fully satisfied. Like

Devendra Singh Parihar

I would like to thank you for all the hair fall and dandruff treatment for last 9 months. I do observe better hair fall control & much reduced dandruff release on my scalp post starting of my treatment. look forward to stay in touch to focus on hair regrowth in future. Best gard

Aniruddha Basan

I am devashish, I started my dandruff treatment and it has been 6 months, and I have seen noticable changes in my scalp and dandruff and I'm truly impressed. The level of care I received was exceptional. The medical staff was highly skilled and caring, and the facilities were clean and comfortable. I recommend Dr Batra to everyone who have any kind of medical problems


I had severe dandruff and hairloss also there. After taking Dr Batras treatment, my dandruff has reduced, much better now and also hairfall reduced. Thanks to Dr Batras.

Vijay Pa


How does scalp hygiene affect dandruff?

Scalp hygiene plays a crucial role in managing dandruff. If your scalp is not cleaned regularly, oils and skin cells can build up, creating an environment where the yeast that contributes to dandruff thrives. This can lead to an increase in flakes and itching. Regular washing helps to remove excess oil and dead skin cells, reduces the food source for yeast, and keeps your scalp environment clean and less prone to irritation. Using the right shampoo, especially one formulated for dandruff, can help control the yeast and soothe the scalp, thus preventing excessive flaking. However, it’s important not to overdo it. Washing your hair too frequently with harsh shampoos can strip away natural oils, leading to dryness and irritation, which can also trigger dandruff. So, maintaining good scalp hygiene involves finding a balance that keeps your scalp clean without drying it out.

Does frequent washing prevent dandruff?

Frequent washing can help manage dandruff, but it's all about finding the right balance. Washing your hair too often can strip your scalp of its natural oils, leading to dryness and potentially increasing flaking. However, not washing often enough might allow oil and skin cells to build up, which can also worsen dandruff.
For someone with dandruff, washing their hair regularly with a gentle shampoo or a dandruff-specific shampoo can be very helpful. These shampoos are formulated to reduce excess oil, calm irritation, and help manage the yeast population on their scalp that can exacerbate dandruff. Ideally, they should aim to wash their hair every few days, adjusting based on how oily their scalp gets or how severe their dandruff is.

How do hormonal changes cause dandruff?

Hormonal changes can indeed influence the occurrence of dandruff. When hormones fluctuate, they can affect the oil glands in your scalp. Particularly, hormones like androgens (present in both men and women) can increase sebum production, the natural oil on your scalp. More sebum can provide more food for the yeast called Malassezia, which is a natural part of your skin’s flora. Typically, this yeast is harmless, but it can thrive and overpopulate in an environment with excess sebum. This overgrowth can irritate the scalp and accelerate skin cell renewal. The excess skin cells die off and shed as flakes, which we recognise as dandruff. So, during hormonal changes such as puberty, pregnancy, or even due to certain medical conditions or treatments that affect hormone levels, you might notice an increase in dandruff. Keeping a good hair care routine and managing stress, which also impacts hormones, can help manage the severity of dandruff during these times.

Is stress also a factor that causes dandruff?

Yes, stress can indeed play a role in causing dandruff. When you're stressed, your body reacts in various ways, one of which can be changing the balance on your scalp. Stress can affect hormone levels and weaken your immune system, making it harder for your body to control the yeast that naturally lives on your scalp. This can lead to an increase in dandruff. Managing stress through techniques like exercise, meditation, or simply engaging in activities you enjoy can help keep dandruff in check. So, taking time to relax isn't just good for your mind—it can also be good for your scalp!

How does pollution affect dandruff?

Pollution can worsen dandruff by irritating your scalp and messing up its natural balance. When pollutants like smoke, dust, and emissions from cars and factories get on your scalp and hair, they can cause redness and make your scalp produce more skin cells. These extra skin cells then die and mix with the oil on your scalp, creating dandruff flakes. Also, pollution can dry out your scalp by removing essential oils, leading to more flakes. To help with this, it is important to wash your hair regularly to clean away pollutants and use products that keep your scalp healthy and moisturised.

What is the link between fungal infection and dandruff?

The link between fungal infections and dandruff primarily involves an overgrowth of a yeast-like fungus called Malassezia, which is naturally present on the skin surfaces of most adults. While usually harmless, an overproduction of this fungus can disrupt the natural balance of the scalp's skin cells. Malassezia feeds on the oils (sebum) secreted by hair follicles, which can lead to increased skin cell production. When these skin cells die, they mix with the oil from the hair and scalp, forming dandruff flakes. This process can be exacerbated by stress, hormonal changes, or illness, which might affect the fungal growth and the body's response to it.

Can I cure my dandruff with anti-dandruff shampoos?

While anti-dandruff shampoos can temporarily control dandruff to some extent, they certainly cannot cure it. To cure dandruff and get rid of it permanently, a thorough assessment of your condition and medicines to control sebum levels will be required.

Can home remedies such as curd on the scalp treat dandruff?

Dandruff cannot be cured by home remedies. It is caused due to excessive sebum secretion, which needs medical treatment for permanent relief.

Can dandruff lead to hair loss?

Yes. International studies have shown the correlation between dandruff and hair loss. Dandruff is believed to alter the hair cycle, thus giving rise to hair loss.

Can dandruff spread among family members?

No. Dandruff/seborrhoeic dermatitis is not contagious.

Can my dandruff really be treated?

Yes. By controlling excessive sebum secretion through homeopathic medication, dandruff/seborrhoeic dermatitis can be treated permanently.

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