Female Sexual Health Treatment with Homeopathic Medicine
It is important to keep in mind that female sexual dysfunction is treatable, and with homeopathic treatment, most women have shown significant improvement in their sexual health. Homeopathy offers a holistic approach, which treats patients at the level of the body as well as the mind, which is primarily essential for sexual dysfunction patients.
Love was in the air? We help bring it back from Female Sexual Health Treatment
Homeopathic treatment has shown good results for lack of libido and inability to get aroused, especially because the cause is psychological in most of the women. It also helps immensely in cases of painful intercourse.
Persistent anxiety about treatment results can also be a hindrance for good treatment response. Most often, patients who seek treatment have hit a rough patch in their personal lives and relationships due to their problem and have lost patience to stick to the treatment. Counselling of the patient’s partner is also important along with the patient, to help in attaining a positive treatment response. It is in the best interest of the patients that they opt for early treatment for their sexual troubles, which can offer effective results and prevent any further progress of the condition.
Why Dr Batra's® for Female Sexual Health Treatment
At Dr Batra’s™, we understand the physical as well as the emotional symptoms of the lack of sexual desire in women. Our doctors have treated thousands of female patients for the same. It is believed that the cure for low libido is more likely to be found in the mind than in the pill bottle. Homeopathy can address this condition holistically.
Our doctors provide a supportive and caring approach, which helps women discuss their problems uninhibitedly. This medical and psychological interview session itself creates awareness of what is required for a healthy sexual response. After identifying the causative factors behind the lack of sex drive our doctors build the customised treatment plan to address the patient’s specific needs.
They also provide relationship counselling so as to help the patient address this concern in a better way with her partner.
Female sexual dysfunction at Dr Batra’s™ and success rate of treatment
Is there any homeopathic medicine for female sexual health?
Yes, there are many medicines in homeopathy to treat female sexual health-related issues. According to NCBI, homeopathic treatment has shown good results for lack of libido and inability to get aroused, especially since the cause is psychological in the majority of women. It also comes in handy in cases of painful intercourse.
What makes a woman weak in bed?
Physical or sexual abuse in the past can cause anxiety and a fear of intimacy. These emotions can make having sex difficult. Relationship problems: Some women may be dissatisfied with their partner or bored during sex. Other relationship strains may result in sexual dysfunction. Hormones, medical conditions, painful sex, stress, and fatigue are some of the other factors that may play a role.
How can you tell if a woman is frigid?
Low sex drive, arousal issues, dry vagina, painful sex, and difficulty reaching orgasm are the most common symptoms of that a woman's frigid.
What is R41 homeopathic medicine?
R41 is a homeopathic medicine used to treat sexual impotence.
Acidum phosphoricum, Agnus castus, China, Conium, Damiana, Sepia, and Testes are among its constituents. Please keep in mind that homeopathy is an individualized form of treatment, so we recommend that you consult your
local homeopath for a remedy that is best suited to your needs.
Why does sexual aversion happen?
Sexual aversion disorder (SAD) is a type of sexual dysfunction in which a person has a strong dislike for sexual stimulation. The avoidance could be to a specific aspect of a sexual encounter, such as penetration, or to more general actions, such as kissing or touching. Sexual aversion is a possible cause of anxiety or panic. Aversion can be caused by a history of trauma, untreated sex pain, medical conditions, or a subtle (or overt) sense of coercion or pressure around sex, but there isn't always a clear cause.
What is Lycopodium used for in homeopathy?
Lycopodium is used in homeopathy to treat a variety of health problems, including aneurysms, lung and bronchial disorders, gastric inflammations, and constipation.
What are the types of Female Sexual Dysfunction?
Female sexual dysfunction is classified into four types: anorgasmia, dyspareunia, hypoactive sexual desire disorder, and sexual arousal disorder.
What are the causes of Female Sexual Dysfunction?
When your hormones are in flux, such as after having a baby or during menopause, psychological factors, and sexual problems are more likely to arise. Cancer, diabetes, and heart and blood vessel (cardiovascular) disease can all contribute to sexual dysfunction.