Homeopathic treatment for PMS (Pre-menstrual Syndrome)

Premenstrual Syndrome
August 18, 2018

Most women suffer from mood swings, bloating, fluid retention, breast tenderness, acne flare-ups, weight gain, fatigue, sleep disturbances, joint pains, muscle pains, sugar cravings, and low sex drive before they are going to menstruate. These symptoms especially the irritability and depression may cause damage to their relationships, work-life and well-being. Most women just accept this the way it is without trying to figure out how to get rid of this permanently.

Just because you are a lady it does not mean that you have to live with these symptoms. These symptoms are caused by bad habits, environmental toxins, and stress.

Conventional treatment for PMS

Conventional medicine is the treatment of choice to get fast relief from PMS symptoms. The conventional medicines range from anti-inflammatory drugs to birth control pills. The prescriptions may also include ovulation suppression pills which in turn cause increased facial hair, acne, and deep voice.  If you go on to more expensive medicines they include gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogs which sedate the ovaries and stops the normal production of oestrogen and progesterone and in worse cases could lead osteoporosis. The prescriptions are never ending and there are many drugs prescribed to get rid or suppress the symptoms and we mindlessly keep consuming them just to know that we are landing into another soup with a new health issue.

The actual cause of PMS

The actual cause of PMS is unbalanced hormones. Your oestrogen levels increase and progesterone levels decrease. Factors which promote the hormonal imbalances are high sugars, refined carbohydrates, caffeine, stress, hormones present in dairy products and meat, oestrogen like toxins from pesticides and pollution. Consuming alcohol adds fuel to the fire because it damages the liver and prevents it from excreting excess estrogen. Constipation and imbalances in the gut bacteria could worsen the situation, because they lead to the reabsorption of estrogen from the gut back into your blood, even after your liver has tried to get rid of it.

PMS treatment in Homeopathy

  • Homoeopathy treatment for PMS has shown impressive results.
  • Remember that you as a lady are not abnormal and can be healthy again by just paying attention to a few natural ways of being treated without side-effects and getting on with a normal life.
  • When PMS is treated with homeopathy, it is ensured that you don’t need conventional medicines to survive if you are a case of PMS.
  • Since homeopathy is safe, you do not end up damaging the other systems of the body, unlike conventional medicines.
  • Homeopathic medicines are given after detailed case taking which stimulates and helps the body’s natural intelligence takes care of the rest.
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