Unveiling myths about female pattern baldness

Unveiling myths about female pattern baldness

Female Pattern Baldness
March 31, 2020

Noticing that your part is widening or your ponytail is thinning? Well, don’t panic! It might be due to female pattern hair loss which is the most common type of hair loss in women. Anyway, it’s important that we set the record straight on common misconceptions surrounding female pattern baldness. These myths often make women unnecessarily worried and lead women down the wrong path in terms of treatment.

Myth 1: Women lose their hair the same way men do

Hairlines form an M shape as the hair recedes in case of male pattern baldness. And many men lose all the hair on the tops of their heads. Nonetheless, women usually do not have receding hairlines. They get diffuse thinning right on top of their heads. Clumps of hair in the shower or while you're styling your hair shouldn't necessarily be cause for concern. Decreased density on top of your head or even a widening part is more common signs of hairfall in women.

You might also want to read more on: What is Female Pattern Baldness? What causes it?

Myth 2: Women with high levels of male hormones are at a higher risk for female pattern baldness.

This is false. It’s not like male pattern balding which is directly related to levels of male hormones in the body.

Myth 3: Stress makes your hair fall out

It's easy to blame thinning hair on stress. But for stress to cause female pattern baldness, it has to be more extreme than what you experience when you're prepping for a big presentation at work or in an argument with your spouse. When your body experiences something traumatic like major surgery or illness, it can disrupt the cycle of hair, shifting it prematurely into the shedding phase. It’s a condition called telogen effluvium which can also be caused by childbirth. Shedding usually subsides once the stressful event has passed.

Myth 4: Only older women lose their hair

It’s possible for some women, mainly those with a family history of female pattern baldness, to see thinning hair start in their 20s or even earlier. Female hair loss can start in the adolescences and slowly headway with age.

Myth 5: Shampooing too much will make you lose hair

It is claimed that your hair will get healthier and thicker by skipping shampooing. You tend to notice shedding most in the shower. So it’s normal to associate shedding with shampooing. But in fact, shampooing less can actually be bad for your hair. Shampoo cleans off oil on the scalp that can contain hormones that drive hair loss. Not shampooing enough can lead to dandruff which can constrain hair growth. Make sure to wash your hair regularly.

Myth 6: Too much sun can make thinning hair worse

It’s totally a myth! Vitamin D is a key nutrient you get from the sun and it can be crucial for your locks. Vitamin D is very important for hair cycling. It helps push the hair from its resting phase to the growing phase. It has been observed that women with female pattern hair loss had significantly lower vitamin D levels than those without the condition.

Myth 7: Female pattern baldness will be permanent

Some instances of shedding could just be temporary. For instance, many women lose some hair after giving birth as their hormones adjust back to their pre-pregnancy levels. But it regrows within several months. Nevertheless, the best hair loss treatment for female is in homeopathy as it comes with no dire side-effects!

So what are you waiting for? You can always make an online appointment with an expert homeopathic doctor using https://www.drbatras.com/book-an-appointment.

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