I experience numbness in my hands and fingers…

I experience numbness in my hands and fingers…

September 8, 2017

25years Sheetal was suffering from numbness in both the hands and fingers since 6months. She was working as a typist in an advocate’s office for almost 3 years. She first thought that it was because of her job and she went to her local doctor and she was given Vitamin B12 supplementation. She first felt a little better but then it soon it returned as soon as she stopped taking the supplement. To avoid too much intake of conventional medicine she consulted a homoeopath. After taking her detailed case study by the homoeopathic doctor, it was found that she also suffered from unexplained weight gain and irregularity in menses since a year. She was advised to do a blood test for thyroid hormones and was found to be suffering from hypothyroid. She was then prescribed homoeopathic medicine with some dietary advice and exercises to lose weight.  Slowly and steadily her condition improved and on re-checking the thyroid hormones it was found to be within normal limits.

Signs and Symptoms of Hypothyroid

Unexplained Weight gain, numbness and tingling  in extremities, constipation, sluggishness, fatigue; lack of energy, dry skin, depression, increased sensitivity to cold, impaired memory, Hair thinning/ Hair loss, muscle aches and pains, heavier than normal or irregular menstrual periods and slower heart rate are common signs and symptoms seen in a hypothyroid patient.

Hypothyroid occurs when the thyroid gland fails to produce enough thyroid hormones. Hypothyroid is more common in women than men and the incidences increases with age. Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis (thyroid gland enlarges and forms goitre), Thyroid destruction following secondary to radioactive surgery, Severe iodine deficiency and Stress are known to cause Hypothyroid. A routine blood test for thyroid hormones would confirm the diagnosis.

Homoeopathy for Hypothyroid…

Homoeopathy helps to produce thyroid hormone naturally by stimulating the immune system and helps in better functioning of the thyroid gland.

Homoeopathic remedies work by stimulating the body’s own healing capacity by encouraging the body to reactivate hormone secretions.

Homeopathy is free from any side-effects.

Stress causes hormonal disturbances in the body like thyroid problems which is very effectively treated with homeopathy.

Homoeopathy is a mind-body medicine. Homoeopathy treats not only the physical complaints, but also targets the mind and gently restores mind-body equilibrium- thus it treats the patient as a whole.  A complete recovery is possible in most cases with homoeopathy.

Self Help

Include black dates, black raisins, nuts, beans, green leafy vegetables, soya, eggs, lean meats, carrots, all fruits in your diet to get adequate nutrition. A healthy diet also helps to reduce stress.

Seek help of a professional to help you deal more positively with you stress.

Try some de-stressing techniques. Go for a walk, try deep breathing, yoga, meditation, put on some soothing music as it slows heart rate, lowers blood pressure and even decreases levels of stress hormones.

Switch of the T.V. / Mobile/ laptop 1 hour before you sleep as uninterrupted computer use has been associated with stress, lost sleep and depression.

Get yourself tested for Iron, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D3. If you are found to be deficient on any ask your doctor and take necessary supplements.

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