Hair Loss Reveals Inner Health

How Hair Loss Reveals Inner Health?

Hair Loss
November 4, 2016 , Last updated: June 28, 2024

Hair is the barometer of your health. Hair loss is not just about losing strands of hair quickly or sudden thinning. It could be a sign of underlying illnesses, such as diabetes and heart disease, much before a clinical diagnosis is established. Clinical studies prove that homeopathy is fully equipped to treat hair loss without side-effects.

Healthy hair is a sign of a healthy body. The emotional and psychological effects of hair loss in both men and women are well known. The first sign of hair loss is not just about how you think or feel about yourself in the cosmetic sense. Hair loss is a medical problem with several contributing factors. It needs to be looked at closely, since premature balding is turning out to be more common today than ever before.

While hair is also an important accessory in the manner we view ourselves, as also the way the world views us, many people at job interviews are worried about their receding hairline. This is simply because hair loss tells a lot more about our well-being than what our zodiac signs could say, or what the latest hair styles can achieve for us.

Hair loss is the first sign of distress within the body; so, it needs to be taken seriously. This is because the health of your hair and your scalp provide doctors with insightful cues about a host of latent disorders, such as thyroid problems, diabetes and heart disease, much before a clinical diagnosis is established.

Signs To Watch Out For

Dry, Limp, Thin Hair

This may be a precursor for hypothyroidism. In some cases, hair loss on the eyebrows, especially in the outermost third layer of the eyebrow, can be a signal of bad health.

Scaly or Crusty Patches on the Scalp

A scaly scalp may be due to psoriasis, a common skin disorder. The clue can help doctors to prevent and treat more serious conditions, especially psoriatic arthritis, or painful swelling of the joints.

Overall Hair Loss

Urban lifestyles have given way to unnecessary stress and worries. Stress at work, due to relationship issues, the loss of a life partner, or job loss can cause thinning of hair. A bout of flu or fever, such as malaria, can also lead to hair loss.

Dry, Brittle Hair That Breaks Easily

Sometimes hair gets too dry and lacks lustre, standing out like thin straws. This may be a sign of iron-deficiency anaemia. It affects nearly 60 per cent of Indian women.

Hair Loss in Small, Circular Patches

This kind of hair loss can be a sign of autoimmune disorders (for example, systemic lupus erythromatosis, or SLE), early-onset diabetes and thyroid disease.

What Causes Hair To Disappear

While it is normal to lose between 50-100 strands of hair a day, a fast depleting hairline is a cause for worry, for both men and women. Studies show that most men, in their 30s, will encounter some hair loss that is beyond the normal range. By 60, most men are on their way to baldness.

All of us tend to lose hair, though we may not see it. Approximately 100 hair strands fall out of our scalp daily. There is also continuous hair growth on our scalp. This is the reason why we don’t usually notice hair loss when it first begins. However, there are other factors that affect the cycle of hair growth and falling. When this happens, baldness may occur.

The most common factor for hair loss is genetics. You may end up with a bald pate if there is a tendency for it, either from the maternal or the paternal side. The resultant genetic condition for hair loss is called androgenetic alopecia (AGA), or male pattern baldness.

  • Telogen Effluvium. Telogen is the hair growth cycles’ resting phase. Telogen effluvium happens when there is a ‘shock’ in the system following which the roots of the hair are pushed out prematurely into the resting stage. This may be due to illness, infection, surgery, thyroid disorders, conventional (allopathic) drugs for gout, chemotherapy, lack of protein, too much vitamin A, or low levels of iron in the blood.

  • Alopecia Areata (AA). This condition causes hair loss in patches, when our own antibodies attack hair follicles. You may appear healthy, but you will find some round patches, or spots, on the scalp without hair.

  • Cicatricial Alopecia. In this condition, hair loss is due to inflammation around the hair follicle. The person affected by cicatricial alopecia may complain of itching on the scalp or pain. There may also be scarring or total hair loss in the area.

Hair loss signal health problems

Hair loss is directly related to mind and body wellness. It could be indicative of the following conditions:

  • Dandruff
  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Ovarian cysts, or polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Autoimmune diseases (for example, systemic lupus erythomatsus, or SLE, which affects the skin, joints, kidneys, brain and other organs.)

Consult Trichologist before it’s too late

Creating good health for your hair and averting hair loss is in your hands. It is advisable to consult a homeopath-trichologist, a doctor who specialises in the science of hair and scalp, the moment you notice any change in your hair health. Getting your hair and scalp analysed is the first step to take towards reducing further damage and improving the quality of hair health. The earlier you meet your homeopath-trichologist, the better will be the outcome of your treatment. Prevention is better than cure and even a routine check-up is advisable, even while everything does appear normal.

The good news is that today there are effective medical and surgical options to combat, treat and correct hair loss. While some outcomes can certainly appear miraculous, it is important to have realistic expectations by way of safe, scientific solutions for lasting results, and not be misled by miracle cures.

Dr. Sejal Borivali
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