Losing Hair? Homeopathy Can Be Your Best Bet

Hair Loss
January 7, 2017

Healthy hair amplifies good looks. It adds to an attractive, youthful and desirable persona. It enhances your interaction with the world in terms of romantic as well as business relationships. Hair undoubtedly is a powerful sexual turn-on. Isn’t it? Probably that might be the reason that its colour, curl, condition, length and strength have long been the subject of fantasy, fable and fairytale. Samson derived his strength from his hair; Rapunzel’s tresses roped in Prince Charming.

This is why hair loss often leads to a visible, or noticeable, loss of confidence. One begins to feel unattractive and becomes self-conscious. Are you one of those who are getting nightmares over losing hair on the head? Have you tried all the anti hair fall shampoos and oils in the market and can still see your hair everywhere in the house, on the pillow and in the bathroom? Homeopathy can be your savior.  

Homeopathy is, by far, the safest and most humane form of medical sciences. It aims to treat the whole person rather than just the physical, or apparent, symptoms. Why is homeopathic medicines are ideal for hair loss and other hair/ scalp problems?

Free From Side-Effects:

Homeopathic medicines for hair loss are free from side-effects. Not only do homeopathic medicines reduce hair loss, but they also protect the body from harmful effects (such as decreased libido, ejaculation problems in men) that are common with conventional drugs.

Proven Effects:

Homeopathic medicines such as Thuja Occidentalis or Sabal serrulata have been used for treating hair loss in homeopathy for over 100 years. International clinical studies have proven that the two homeopathic medicines cited are natural DHT-inhibitors, i.e., they can control hair loss caused by DHT — without side-effects.

Mind-Body Medicine:

Homeopathic medicines for hair loss treat not only the physical complaints, but also target the mind and gently restore mind body equilibrium — thus, homeopathy treats patients as a ‘whole.’ This makes it an excellent solution for hair problems related to the mind, such as stress-related patchy hair loss (alopecia areata), hair-pulling disorder (trichotillomania), or stress-induced massive hair shedding.

Verified by Studies:

A study conducted in Scotland revealed that 90 per cent of patients with patchy hair loss opted for homeopathy as the first choice of treatment. Homeopathic medicines for hair loss actually help to slow down the progression of the bald patches and fill them up with new hair. A complete recovery is possible in most cases.

Less Recurrence:

It has been found that the recurrence rate of patchy hair loss (alopecia areata) was just 9.1 per cent in patients treated with homeopathy, whereas it was as high as 50 per cent in patients who took conventional treatment for the disorder.

Trusted Medicine:

An independent study conducted by A C Nielsen across five cities in India revealed that 90 per cent of patients taking homeopathy for their hair loss at Dr Batra’s, one of the largest chains of homeopathic clinics in the world, would not switch over to any other brand or treatment. This speaks for the credibility of homeopathic science.

Personalized medicine:

Homeopathy is different from conventional medicine, where individuals are diagnosed on the basis of just the illness or disease — and, the same medicine is given for each condition. Homeopathy prescribes a different remedy for a given illness, depending on a multitude of factors, such as the personality of the individual, their state of mind and lifestyle. In other words, the illness may be the same by name, but the presentation of the illness in no two individuals is the same — so, they are given two different homeopathic remedies that suit their distinctive personality, or individuality.

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