Hair Loss
July 22, 2020

“In this changing world the only constant is hair fall.” – Adyasha Nayak

When it comes to hair loss, the struggle is real. Seeing strands of your precious mane scattered on the floor around you, can ruin anyone’s day. While losing a certain amount of hair everyday is normal, if you have a hair loss problem, you’re looking at many such ruined days.

So When Does Hair Loss Become A Problem?

The hair growth cycle happens in three stages wherein new hair grows, lives it time period and then moves to the resting phase before eventually falling out. Another new hair bulb then takes its place and the cycle continues. Therefore, it is said to be normal to lose about 50-100 strands of hair every day. It is when the hair fall goes beyond this count and you start noticing thinning hair on your scalp that you know you’re dealing with a hair fall problem.

What Are The Different Hair Loss Causes?

Just as you can tell a fruit is rotten on its inside by looking at its exterior, excessive hair loss can be an indicator of an internal health problem. One of the very common causes of hair loss is heredity. It is responsible for the two major types of hair loss experienced by men and women viz. male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness. Lack of proper nutrition can also cause a hair problem. Another important hair fall reason can be any underlying condition like polycystic ovary syndrome or thyroid among others.

Learn more about the different causes of hair loss https://www.drbatras.com/hair-loss/causes



What Hair Fall Solution Can You Look At?

Once you realize you have been hit by a hair fall problem, your next obvious step is to look for an effective solution on how to stop hair fall. You end up buying all kinds of hair growth products (like anti hair fall shampoo) available in the market that claim to show your hair a better tomorrow. You’re even lured to the path of a hair treatment. What you don’t realize then, but eventually do once the damage is done, is that these products and procedures end up doing more harm than good. Most of us often find our hair in a worse state after subjecting it to the things that were supposed to make it better.

So, what is the solution?

Hair Fall Treatment in Homeopathy

The best way to treat your hair loss problem is through the natural means of homeopathy. Homeopathic medicine for hair fall is made from natural ingredients and hence does not harm your hair or your health in any way. It is therefore a perfectly safe way to treat a hair fall problem. Homeopathic remedies treat ailments from the root. Hence when it comes to hair loss treatment, it takes into account any underlying conditions that you may be suffering from and is contributing to your hair loss. Thus, homeopathic treatment ensures holistic healing. It also follows a very personalized approach in treatment. Hair loss causes are different for different individuals and a homeopathic doctor takes into account these unique causes for each individual before determining a suitable treatment. Thus, you can be sure you’re getting the treatment that you specifically need.

If you’re still wondering whether homeopathy is effective in treating hair loss, this study published in the Indian Journal of Research in Homeopathy should clear your doubts. An 11 year old boy in Andhra Pradesh was diagnosed with alopecia areata, which causes patchy hair loss. There is no cure for this condition in conventional medicine except may be a few complex treatments, which are not completely without side-effects. In the given study, the patient was treated with individualised homoeopathic medicine over a period of 3 years. There was significant improvement with homoeopathic treatment, with a complete disappearance of bald patches without any recurrence.

Hair loss is no joke. In fact, if not taken seriously, it can make you an object of joking. If you want to take a positive step towards treating it, visit Dr Batra’s and let our expert homeopathic specialist guide you to your individualised homeopathic treatment. Book an appointment with us and take your first step towards healthy hair. https://www.drbatras.com/book-an-appointment

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