Feeling depressed due to hair problems? Consult a homeopath!

Feeling depressed due to hair problems? Consult a homeopath!

Hair Fall
February 17, 2020 , Last updated: May 6, 2024

How bizarre does it sound when you hear things like “Depression is just a mental disease you can control your mind and get over it, why do you need medications for it?”  But don’t let statements like these mislead you into thinking that you don’t need medications or treatment.

Moreover, there may be many causes triggering depression, an underlying disease like alopecia areata being one of them.

Depression causes hair fall or is it the other way around?

Androgenic alopecia, more commonly known as male pattern baldness, is strongly connected to the development of depression and other mental distresses such as anxiety and low self-esteem. The agonies that patchy hair loss eventually leading to baldness can cause certain mental health disorders. And depression is one of them. But that’s not even the worst part. The worst part is people, mostly men, don’t prefer confining into anyone and suffer from this disease in silence. Even though it shouldn’t, bald people are most mocked and ridiculed for their state which seems to make the depression even worse. To all these people, it’s okay to come out, talk about it and seek a wholesome treatment.

Hair loss is most likely to cause depression, which is true. However, there’s a different tangent to this fact as well. If you notice, your hair can take a nasty toll by becoming brittle dry and eventually falling off. Along with depression, the psychological factors associated with it such as discouragement, low mood, feeling exhausted hinders your hair growth to a huge extent.

Things you should know if you are suffering from depression:

  • As opposed to what other people want you to believe, depression can be dealt with and even cured. A combination of right treatment and therapy can gradually help you eliminate this vice.
  • If you are undergoing major hair loss and begin feeling the development of depression, it shouldn’t be a shameful secret that you foster. You can stand up for yourself and seek help.
  • You may develop a social phobia which is closely recognised with the fear humiliation of being judged for suffering from depression due to hair fall.
  • In this relationship between hair problems and psychological tension, your hair loss can further become complicated due to a stressful event.
  • Joining support groups may help you reduce the social stigma and improve your socializing tendencies which you may have lost along this journey.
  • Along with seeking hair loss treatment, it’s equally vital to opt for a treatment for depression as well. 

Depression, hair loss and Homeopathy:

It’s a well-established fact that homeopathy can work wonders to treat your hair loss. Additionally, it can hold your hand while treating depression as well. Before opting for conventional treatments to deal with depression, you should bear in mind that some anti-depressants can have side-effects which may even lead to hair loss.

 Alopecia is an enemy which needs to be treated before it decides to cause more inconvenience to your body or your mental health. However, if it has caused damage like depression, you can book an appointment at Dr Batra’s™ who will give you a chance to do some damage control.

Want to read more how homeopathy can treat depression? Click and read at https://www.drbatras.com/how-treat-depression-through-homeopathy

At Dr Batra’s™, you’ll have to go through a series of well-structured and organised set-up before the treatment for depression starts. This treatment includes consultation with our homeopaths, followed by a consultation where a questionnaire will be prepared to dive deeper into your problems, symptoms you faced and causes that led to your condition. A personalized treatment will be designed just for you along with acute lifestyle tips that you can easily squeeze into your daily routines-because little things matter.  

Dealing with depression is important, especially if you already have on-going stress in the form of hair fall. Therefore, Dr Batra’s™ ensures utmost sensitivity and thoroughness before offering a safe treatment free of any side-effects. Consult our nearest clinic and find the solution to the titled question yourself!  

Dr. Sejal Borivali
Authored By



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