Are you scared of losing hair in future? Know it today with a genetic test

Are you scared of losing hair in future? Know it today with a genetic test

Hair Loss
June 24, 2019

Are you worried about hair loss? There is no need to worry about it anymore!Genetics do play an important role in hair loss. Nowadays, you can get clues to your genetic inheritance than ever before. In fact,hair loss potential can be known from your DNA. A fast, convenient and affordable DNA test will disclose the probability that you will be bald.Allthanks to DNA testing kits as you can know whether hair loss runs in your family or not.

Hair loss causes

The fairly common hair loss causes are listed below.

  • Telogen effluvium: It is a temporary hair loss of up to a third of a person’s hair due to an insult to the body. It usually manifests two or four months after the incident. Common causes are crash diets, exam stress, big operations and pregnancy. It starts normalising after three to six months and after a year it’s almost always back to normal.
  • Nutritional disorders: The most common nutritional problems associated with alopecia are iron and zinc deficiency. In practice, these are probably the only ones causing alopecia.Hair loss is witnessed in people who consistently take in too much selenium. Taking too much of vitamins, nutrients, microelements etc. will do no good.
  • Chemotherapy: It is widely associated with hair loss, but this is a reversible hair loss in almost all cases.Hair loss canhappen during radiation therapy for cancer treatment. Radiation therapy harms cells that grow quickly such as those in the hair roots.
  • Birth control pills: Birth control pills mess with your hormone levels, causing them to fluctuate. In response, you might experience hair loss. Hormones can interrupt the natural pattern of the hair cycle, causing hairs to shed more quickly than usual.
  • Mental stress: Being stressed affects even your hair strands. Stress affects hormonal levels, specifically cortisol, which then causes hair loss.
  • Underlying illness: Periods of prolonged or severe illness can affect the hair. Diseases like diabetes and lupus can also cause hair loss.
  • Smoking: Nicotine (tobacco) negatively influences the micro-circulation of the scalp, leading to increased hair loss.
  • Dandruff: Dandruff is inflamed, flaky skin on the scalp, which hinders proper circulation and nutrition to the hair, thereby causing increased hair loss.
  • Medications: Drugs used in the treatment of gout, depression, arthritis, high blood pressure and heart problems can lead to increased hair loss.
  • Genetics: Hereditary hair loss is one of the most common hair loss causes.Male pattern baldness is the most common form of alopecia and is of genetic predetermination. If there is baldness anywhere in your family (on either on your mother or father's side), you will probably become bald too.

Genetic Assessment

Geno Homeopathy is the world’s 1st ever gene-targeted homeopathic therapy. The exclusivity of this treatment is that it predicts the probability of your chances of going bald based on your genetic mapping.The benefits of Geno Homeopathy are listed below.

  • Predicts if you are at risk of getting a medical disorder in future
  • Prevents or delays a hereditary medical condition through homeopathic medicine and lifestyle changes
  • Exactgene-targeting for precise diagnostic assessment along with perfect and quicker treatment results
  • Painless, safe and is free from side effects
  • Personalised treatment plans based upon unique genetic history to identify disorders early in life so the treatment can be started as early as possible


Knowing what the future may hold helps us make better life choices and be prepared. Aren’t you eager to know more about your genetic hair loss tendency? What are you waiting for? Take the hair loss DNA test today!If you’re experiencing hair loss, take Dr Batra’shair loss evaluation test now to understand the severity of your problem. It is definitely worth to give it a shot.

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