Nutrients Essential for Hair Growth

Nutrients Essential for Hair Growth: What You're Missing in Your Diet that is Causing Hair Thinning

Hair Fall
June 29, 2024 , Last updated: July 15, 2024

Numerous physical, biological, and environmental factors govern hair health. The most notable influences include age, genetics, overall health, lifestyle, diet, and medications. While you do not have much control over many of these factors, diet is a component you can adjust to your benefit.

What you eat greatly affects your bodily systems and functions, including hair health. Therefore, an improper diet could be one of your hair-thinning reasons.

Table of Content [hide]
  1. Nutrients Essential for Hair Growth: What You're Missing in Your Diet that is Causing Hair Thinning
  2. Hair Thinning: Biological and Lifestyle Causes
  3. Importance of Nutrients for Hair Growth
  4. Food Nutrients for Hair Growth
  5. Dietary Treatment for Hair Thinning
  6. Get your Hair Evaluation Test Done
  7. Conclusion

Hair Thinning: Biological and Lifestyle Causes

The reasons for hair fall and hair thinning vary among individuals. Unlike the common belief that hair loss is a physical condition, it reflects inoptimal body function, nutritional deficiencies, or health disorders.

Patterns of hair loss and other symptoms may signify the cause, but a proper diagnosis is required to determine for sure. This section discusses some common biological and lifestyle factors that often cause hair thinning.

Biological Reasons for Hair Thinning

Biological hair thinning and hair loss are caused by factors that affect the optimum functioning of the body, which in turn affects hair health. 

Some common biological causes of hair thinning are:

  • Anaemia
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Thyroid imbalance
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
  • Hereditary factors
  • Childbirth
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Weight loss
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Immune system deficiencies
  • Skin diseases or infections
  • Dandruff
  • Eating disorders
  • Chronic stress

Lifestyle Causes of Hair Thinning

Lifestyle factors, including daily habits and certain choices, greatly affect your hair health. 

Some of the common lifestyle factors that act as reasons for hair fall and hair thinning are:

  • Frequent hair dyeing
  • Heat treatments
  • Overtreating hair with multiple hair products
  • Using harsh hair care products
  • Wearing tight hairstyles
  • Poor hair and scalp hygiene
  • High consumption of processed foods
  • Stopping birth control pills

Importance of Nutrients for Hair Growth

Nutrients are essential for every body's function. Proper nutritional levels regulate optimal metabolism and overall health. Hair health is also largely dependent on diet and nutrient intake, as they provide the necessary components to form, grow, and maintain hair follicles and strands. 

Moreover, switching to a balanced diet also facilitates hair regrowth in cases where nutritional deficiencies cause hair loss. 

Key Nutrients for Hair Growth

Numerous nutrients, required in micro and macro quantities, regulate hair health. Some of these components, however, have a significant effect on hair growth. 

The key nutrients for hair growth are:


About 88 to 95% of hair is protein. Therefore, protein is a crucial component in the formation and maintenance of hair strands. A lack of protein in the diet can inhibit hair regrowth and make the hair strands brittle and easily breakable.


All vitamins play crucial roles in maintaining healthy hair. While some of these components have a significant direct effect, others participate in metabolic pathways contributing to hair health and maintenance.


Free radicals are charged molecular moieties that slow metabolism and lead to early signs of ageing. Antioxidants neutralise these unstable particles and prevent premature ageing, helping maintain the health of hair follicles.


Collagen is a structural protein that adds density and strength to hair strands. It is essential for brittle and easily broken hair.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

These are healthy fats known to contribute greatly to hair health. Omega-3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory agents that protect hair follicles from hyperactive immune responses and irritation. This improves hair density and reduces hair loss.


Iron is a micronutrient essential for producing red blood cells (RBCs). It helps form haemoglobin, the component of blood that transports oxygen throughout the body. Iron deficiency limits the oxygen supplied to the hair follicles and causes them to weaken and go into a resting phase, a condition called telogen effluvium. This element also contributes to hair growth and repair.


Beta-carotene is a pigment used by the body to produce vitamin A, essential for hair health. Several plant-derived foods are rich in this pigment.


Zinc is another micronutrient that contributes to healthy hair. This mineral plays an important role in the growth and repair of hair. Excessive consumption of zinc, however, can lead to toxicity.


The body requires this mineral to regulate thyroid hormone and sebum production, which play a significant role in hair maintenance. It is also anti-inflammatory and antioxidant and, thus, an essential nutrient for hair growth.


Spermidine is a natural compound with anti-ageing and cell regulatory properties. Although not as widely studied, this component is known to prolong the anagen or growth phase of the hair follicles.

Essential Hair Regrowth Vitamins

The vitamins essential for hair health and growth are:

Vitamin A

It regulates sebum production, keeping hair moisturised and healthy. However, high amounts of vitamin A can cause hair loss.

Vitamin B7

Also called biotin, this vitamin contributes to keratin production, a prominent protein in hair strands.

Vitamin B9

Also called folate, a vitamin deficiency is known to cause hair thinning and hair loss.

Vitamin C

This vitamin has antioxidant properties that prevent hair follicles from free radical damage. It also partakes in collagen production, which strengthens hair strands.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D, particularly its D3 form, is involved in forming new hair follicles. It also revitalises cells in dormant follicles, facilitating hair regrowth.

Vitamin E

This vitamin has antioxidant properties and neutralises free radicals. It works primarily along the skin, including the scalp, and thus protects hair follicles from oxidative damage.

Food Nutrients for Hair Growth

Several food items contain the nutrients discussed in the previous section. However, certain foods contain several of these components and thus favour hair health. 

The primary foods to eat to help hair growth are:


Eggs are a rich source of protein, biotin, and antioxidants (lutein and zeaxanthin). They promote hair health and also benefit the eyes and skin.


It is a rich source of protein and iron. However, red meat consumption must be limited. You should preferably add white meat to your diet.


Soybeans are a rich source of protein and a good meat alternative for vegetarians. They also contain spermidine.


Legumes are another protein-rich alternative for vegetarians. They are readily available and varied, making them easy to include in a diet.


Spinach contains iron and vitamins A, C, and B9. It is suitable for hair and skin and also improves eyesight.

Fatty Fish

Fatty fish, including salmon, tilapia, and mackerel, are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, protein, selenium, and vitamins D3 and B-complex.

Seeds and Nuts

These are rich in vitamins E and B, zinc, selenium, and healthy fats. Consuming various seeds and nuts usually makes up for several minerals in the diet.


Versatile and readily available, beans are rich in protein, zinc, and other vital nutrients.

Leafy Green Vegetables

These vegetables, rich in vitamins B and C, iron, and antioxidants (quercetin and kaempferol), are among the major foods that promote hair regrowth.


Berries are rich in antioxidants and promote collagen production.

Sweet Potatoes

These tuberous roots are rich sources of beta-carotene.


Oysters are the richest dietary source of zinc, an essential food nutrient for hair growth.

Dietary Treatment for Hair Thinning

As discussed in previous sections, diet is crucial to hair health. It is also one of the easier factors to control when aiming to restore hair quality. Consulting with a doctor or nutritionist to plan a diet that supports hair growth and rejuvenation is an effective hair-thinning treatment.

Nutrient-Rich Diet Plans

Consult with a dietician or a hair expert to curate a diet plan catering to your nutrient requirements. Your meals must include foods that promote hair regrowth and provide all necessary nutrients in the required amounts.

The food items mentioned in the previous section are wholesome foods that help hair growth and can be included in the diet to favour hair health. It is best to divide your meals into small portions several times daily. This allows you to incorporate the most variety in your diet to fulfil the necessary nutrient intake.

Hair-Healthy Diet Choices

Making hair-focused diet choices will add to the benefits of any hair-thinning treatment, whether natural or medical, you choose to undergo. Here are some dietary choices that would help:

  • Prefer food-based nutrition over supplements. This prevents the overconsumption of nutrients that could lead to toxicity and other adverse effects.
  • Limit the consumption of sugar.
  • Avoid eating processed foods.
  • Preferably, add fresh fruits and vegetables to the diet.

Get your Hair Evaluation Test Done

The reasons for hair loss and hair thinning vary from person to person. Therefore, the hair and scalp evaluation is necessary to determine the individual causes of hair thinning.

Homeopathic medicine considers assessment of the physical, biological, and psychological factors that may cause hair fall a priority. This practice determines the root cause of your hair concerns and provides treatments focused on resolving those issues. The medications used in homoeopathy are natural and induce inner healing of the disturbances in bodily functions. This offers a long-term solution to your hair concerns without any adverse effects.


A balanced diet rich in essential nutrients is crucial to maintaining optimal hair health. Critical vitamins and minerals deficiency can significantly contribute to hair thinning and loss.

At Dr Batra's® Clinic, we combine holistic and natural hair thinning treatments with personalised balanced diet plans to resolve hair loss issues. We boast a team of hair experts who excel in the science of hair growth, regrowth, and rejuvenation. Through close assessment of your physical and psychological symptoms and lifestyle and dietary habits, our doctors curate a personalised treatment plan to heal your hair follicles and rejuvenate them from within.

Visit Dr Batra's® today to reverse your hair loss and restore your voluminous and healthy hair.

Foods like eggs, soybeans, legumes, meat, fatty fish, oysters, berries, citrus fruits, seeds, nuts, spinach, and leafy vegetables stimulate the growth of new hair strands and help restore hair density. These components are rich in proteins, vitamins, zinc, selenium, and antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agents that maintain hair quality and promote health.

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