Is there any effective treatment for male pattern baldness?

Is there any effective treatment for male pattern baldness?

Male Pattern Baldness
September 11, 2018 , Last updated: October 4, 2024

Male Pattern Baldness (MPB) or Androgenetic Alopecia (AGA) is one of the principal forms of hair loss. It not just depletes the hair but it can also trigger major emotional and psychosocial problems, especially in young men. There is a decline in hair thickness or density of hair gradually. This is the best time to start appropriate and effective treatment to stall the slide.

Hair loss is primarily a result of excess male hormone (testosterone). Sounds a little technical but put simply, Testosterone + 5 Alpha Reductase (an enzyme) gets converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a major cause of hairloss in men. DHT reduces the growing phase and extends the resting phase of hair.

This results in Male Pattern Baldness. Hereditary factors, hormones, stress, chemical treatments, mismanagement of hair, dandruff, smoking, lack of sleep are known triggering for hair loss.

Hair regrowth largely depends on the hair problem you are diagnosed with and how much it has progressed. Male Patterned Baldness in its early stages responds well to treatment. In advance stages it may not be possible to bring back your lost hair but the progress of hair loss can be slowed down.

Most cases of hair loss require long term treatment (often for years). Hair growth cycle is of 3-7years. It is important not to lose patience during treatment because impatience and resulting stress will slow down the process of recovery.

Consider it a lifestyle illness, much like high blood pressure or diabetes where you keep taking pills for all your life to keep them under control. This holds good for progressive hair loss. You have to keep taking medicines for a long time, but then it’s worth your time and effort.

Homeopathy – an effective treatment for Male Patterned Baldness

  1. Homeopathy is free from any side-effects. Not only do homeopathic medicines reduce hairloss but they also protect the body from harmful side-effects (such as decreased libido, ejaculation problems) that are common with conventional drugs.
  2. Homeopathic remedies such as Thuja Occidentalis or Sabal Serrulata have been used for male pattern baldness cure in homeopathy since 100 years. International clinical studies have proven that the two homeopathic remedies cited natural DHT-inhibitor (hormone responsible for causing thinning of hair), i.e. they can control hairloss caused by DHT without side-effects.
  3. Hair lotions available in market to control hair loss are very high in chemicals and can cause a chemical burns on the scalp skin leading to permanent hairloss and scars in the affected areas. Homeopathy has no such side-effects as the medicines are oral medicines.
  4. Anti-dandruff shampoos are not the only solution available to control dandruff. Homeopathy has specific medicines for particular type of dandruff and also takes care that it does not recur.
  5. Homeopathy is a holistic medicine and treats the patient as well as the pathology. 
  6. Stress causes hormonal disturbances in the body like thyroid problems which are known to cause hairloss and is very effectively treated with homeopathy.
  7. Homeopathic medicine being a natural help to deal with hairloss in cancer patients caused because of the side-effects of conventional cancer treatments by anti-doting the harmful effects of cancer treatments and makes the journey through the treatment comfortable.
  8. Homeopathy is a mind-body medicine. Homeopathy treats not only the physical complaints, but also targets the mind and gently restores mind-body equilibrium- thus it treats the patient as a whole. This makes homeopathy an excellent solution for hair problems related to the mind such as stress-related male patterned baldness, patchy hairloss (alopecia areata), hair pulling disorder (trichotillomania), or stress induced massive hair shedding.

Self Help

  • Include green tea and flaxseeds in your diet plan. They are useful to reduce the effect of DHT; they also help to prevent and control hair loss.
  • Have more fruits and vegetables in your diet helps to improve the circulation to the scalp which in turn helps to reduce DHT production.
  • Red meat should be avoided as it is a known DHT activator.
  • Speak to your homeopathic doctor for appropriate dosage of the two homeopathic remedies if they are indicated in your type of hairloss.
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