How to identify if my child is suffering from Tonsillitis

August 18, 2018

How to identify if my child is suffering from Tonsillitis?

Does your child complain of pain in the throat, difficulty in swallowing and fever? If yes, then your child may be probably is suffering from tonsillitis. These are the most commonly found tonsil symptoms when affected.

Tonsillitis is the inflammation of the tonsils which are the protective glands of our respiratory system. They form one of the first lines of defence in the body’s immune system. They are prone to infection, especially during childhood. When our immunity levels drop, the tonsils fall prey to infective organisms.

Types of Tonsillitis

There are three types of tonsillitis:

  1. Acute Tonsillitis: An episode of tonsillitis of recent origin, this can last anywhere between 4-10 days. It is commonly caused by a virus or bacteria.
  2. Sub-acute Tonsillitis: This type of tonsillitis is commonly caused by the bacteria called Actinomyces and it lasts for two weeks or more.
  3. Chronic, recurrent Tonsillitis: In this, the individual may have episodes of tonsillitis repeatedly and while remaining symptom free between episodes.

Causes of Tonsillitis

  • In a majority of cases; Tonsillitis is an infection of tonsils caused by a virus or bacteria. Tonsillitis can rarely be caused by a fungus or parasite.
  • A number of food substances can lead to tonsillitis in susceptible individuals for example allergens such as artificial colours, flavours and preservatives, peanuts, cold foods, cold drinks, ice-cream and sour food.
  • Episodes of tonsillitis can also be activated by environmental changes, though the exact mechanism has not yet been understood. Changes of weather, extremely cold climate, damp weather, and exposure to pollutants, can trigger episodes of tonsillitis too.

More Signs and Tonsils Symptoms:

Symptoms are a sore or painful throat, fever, and general malaise. The tonsils may appear bright red at first; they may later be covered with a slimy, whitish coating. The glands in the neck may subsequently get enlarged. The symptoms of tonsillitis vary from case to case and they may be gradual or the onset may be sudden.

Most people feel a soreness of throat, difficulty or pain on swallowing, fever with or without chills, headache, malaise, and earache. A runny nose, cough, and hoarseness may also be seen in certain cases.

Diagnosis of tonsillitis is based on medical history and findings on examination, such as enlarged or swollen tonsils and pus pockets on the tonsils.

Tonsillitis Treatment in Homoeopathy

  • The conventional mode of treatment includes antibiotics, painkillers and anti-inflammatory tablets which could temporarily settle the problem. If it does not settle then the doctor would advise a surgical removal of tonsils which often leads to bronchitis in children with a family history of asthma. It can also lead to stunted growth, reticence in the classroom and repeated absenteeism.
  • Homeopathy has the best results in every case of tonsillitis and tonsillectomy (surgical removal) has been prevented in most of the cases.
  • Homeopathy aligns the body with nature and brings about a natural healing in the body.
  • Homeopathic medicine is safe and can be taken without the fear of side-effects. Treating the problem from the root is better than cutting an organ as every organ in the body has been designed with specific function and it maintains harmony in the body.
  • Homeopathic medicine helps to boost the body’s immunity and restore its defense system.
  • As already mentioned above that every case of tonsillitis is unique and homeopathic medicines are also prescribed on the basis of individualization which helps to eradicate the problem from the root and prevent recurrence.
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