Can homeopathy help your hair grow back after thinning?
The answer is YES! Homeopathy can help your hair grow back after thinning!
'You cannot control everything.' I think that precisely was the reason why hair was put on your head! Does hair thinning and hair loss remind you of that? But you know what? Hair thinning and hair loss can stop… provided you treat it rightly.
Unfortunately, we spend enormous amount of money on so called "miracle cures," which promise to stop or reverse our hair loss. However, none of them actually work. Why? Because hair fall is a medical problem and therefore it needs to be treated medically. Superficial treatments for hair loss like anti hair fall shampoos, oils, will not help you control it. You need to consult a hair specialist, who will diagnose the cause of your hair loss and help you treat it with an effective homeopathic treatment. To know more about the treatment for hair fall, click
Homeopathy is one of the best hair fall treatments that can help your hair grow back after thinning. Here’s why.
- It corrects the root cause: To begin with, if you have hair loss or hair thinning, the hair will not grow until you address or treat the root cause of hair loss. For example, if your hair loss has occurred due to low iron levels in the body, it cannot be controlled by external products like hair oil or parlor treatments. You have to add a lot of iron in your diet; iron supplements might also be recommended. This is what homeopathy does. It corrects the root cause of hair loss and therefore helps in arresting it. Hair re-growth is also possible once the cause of hair loss is treated.
- Treats underlying medical/hormonal problems: Hair loss in many cases is caused due to medical problems. For example, hair loss in women is primarily triggered by hormonal imbalance in the body. Conditions, such as anaemia, thyroid, ovarian cysts (PCOS), or menopause, are some of the triggers. Homeopathy treats all these medical conditions and therefore corrects the root cause of hair loss. Homeopathy also takes into consideration emotional and mental concerns like stress and anxiety, which in many cases are the cause of hair loss. Patchy hair loss for example in many cases is caused due to stress.
- No side-effects: Amongst various conventional treatments available for different types of alopecia, especially alopecia areata, the most widely used are oral medications and steroid injections. But did you know that these solutions come with a lot of problems? Anti-hair fall medicines may result in side-effects like irritation of scalp and dandruff. Anti-androgen treatment that is often suggested for baldness may result in low sex drive, breast formation in males and prostate cancer. Also, overuse of vitamins and mineral supplements can cause hypervitaminosis leading to hives and increased toxicity in the body. One of the most important benefits of homeopathic treatment for hair loss is that unlike conventional medicines, homeopathy does not cause any side-effects. It is safe, natural and yet effective. It therefore is the best children suffering from hair loss. Here’s one such case of hair loss in child effectively treated with Dr Batra’s Homeopathic Clinic.

- Provides long-term results: Homeopathy, because it treats the root cause of hair loss, provides long- term results. Recurrence rate is also low. The recurrence rate of bald patches in alopecia areata was as low as just 9.1% in patients treated with homeopathy, whereas it was very high (around 50%) in patients availing conventional treatment. This is as per a research conducted and recorded in the book by Dr. Akshay Batra - Hair - Everything you ever wanted to know.
- Helps in treating genetic hair loss too: One of the most common causes of hair loss is genetics — the problem tends to run in families and is passed on from one generation to the other. Homeopathy treats genetic hair loss as well. .