Trichotillomania & Stress

Trichotillomania & Stress

May 26, 2021

Trichotillomania, also known as hair-pulling disorder or compulsive hair-pulling, is a mental disorder that is characterized by a long-term urge to pull out one’s hair. This can also result in hair loss. People who struggle with hair pulling also frequently go through other psychological difficulties such as depression, difficulty in connecting with others and issues at work and school.

Are you pulling out your hair when stressed?

Many people suffering from trichotillomania describe a feeling of tension build up that is released through picking hair. When further dissecting the root of this tension, it often boils down to feelings of stress, anxiety or frustration. Even though you might be aware of how much you are stressed but often, the magnitude of the stress is not realized and also you are not able to know about the impact that it has on our mental and physical health.

The symptoms of hair-pulling disorder are as follows –

  • Pulling out hair from eyebrows, genital area, eyelashes, beard or mustache when feeling stressed
  • Bald patches of unusual shape may be seen on the head
  • eelings of low self-esteem and shame

It’s advised to consult a doctor and get the treatment as soon as possible before these symptoms get worse.

Trichotillomania & Stress

Homeopathy treatment

Homeopathy is one of the best and safest treatments for trichotillomania as it provides long-term relief with long-lasting results. The best part is that homeopathic medicines do not have any side-effects. Homeopathic medicines target the body as well as the mind. As trichotillomania is a stress-related ailment that affects both the mind and the body, the holistic approach of homeopathy is effective. Homeopathic remedies are prescribed and given only after considering certain factors such as the patient’s medical history, nature and temperament among other relevant factors.

Why Dr Batra’s®?

At Dr Batra’s®, we can claim a thorough understanding of stress and trichotillomania, which go hand in hand. Our homeopathic doctors maintain a record of the detailed case history of the patient, including an emotional assessment. Individual homeopathic remedies are then prescribed based on the emotional triggers and the patient’s response to that trigger. We not only treat the apparent symptoms but also treat the root cause of the issue, thereby restoring the patient to optimal health. Apart from this, we also help our patients with tips and tricks that can help to reduce stress and make the patient feel more positive and confident along with proper trichotillomania treatment

Book an appointment online to get effective homeopathy treatment for trichotillomania or you can simply visit our nearby clinic to get information on the same.

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