Why only tailor-made suits? You can now have a customized treatment too.

Why only tailor-made suits? You can now have a customized treatment too.

Homeopathy Treatment
August 17, 2019 , Last updated: October 7, 2024

Healthcare built to order

Given a chance anyone would prefer a tailor-made suit over an off-the-rack dress…Right? And why not? You get a better fit, best quality materials are used that are long-lasting, and you can highlight your personal style with it. If we prefer custom- made suits over normal stuff, why do we compromise when it comes to our health? Why go for one – size – fits all medicines when we can get healthcare built to order?

Homeopathy- the world’s first personalized system of medicine

Did you know that while modern medicine is exploring the concept of designer pills only now, homeopathy was always based on it? It was 250 years ago when Samuel Hahnemann, the father of homeopathy had suggested that there can’t be a generalized cure for a specific disease. Medicines should be tailor-made for every patient. That is how and why homeopathy was born.

Going a step ahead, now we have a new age customized treatment called GenoHomeopathy, a gene based homeopathic therapy.

GenoHomeopathy – A new age customized treatment

We all know that no two people on this planet have the same genes. Genes of every person are as unique as his finger print or iris. The treatment for our ailments needs to be unique as well. A genetically personalized homeopathic care, GenoHomeopathy involves designing a treatment based on your individual genome sequencing. It combines your personality & genetics for scientific and targeted treatment, which is as unique as you are.

Therefore, unlike the conventional treatments currently in practice, with GenoHomeopathy, no two patients with even the same medical condition will be given the same medicines. It is a bull’s eye treatment, where medicines will be given based on their genetic make-up, and will be as unique as every individual, so that the medicines work more effectively for every patient.

With Genohomeopathy, you will get not just a symptomatic relief, but the treatment will focus on treating the root cause of your medical problem too.

There are evidence based studies that indicate that homeopathic medicines have the ability to correct any underlying illnesses without side-effects.

GenoHomeopathy, being a combination of genetics and homeopathy, goes to the root of the problem; right to the patient’s genes and treats it with precise and unique homeopathic medicines. As the root cause of the medical problem is treated, the patients not only get relief from unpleasant symptoms but a long-lasting cure for their medical condition.

How does it benefit you?

Genohomeopathy test is as simple as this:

  • You have to give your saliva sample (under appropriate hygienic conditions)
  • Wait for your test results
  • On basis of the results,
  • Customized treatment for your existing illnesses is recommended
  • Preventive measures if you are susceptible to any ailment in future are suggested.


  • Helps you get to the root of your medical problem
  • Know if you are at risk of getting a medical disorder in future
  • It therefore gives patients an opportunity to prevent and treat lifestyle diseases
  • Eliminate the need for unnecessary checkups and screening, saving time and money
  • Helps in prevention, monitoring and getting customized treatment options
  • Newborn screening can identify genetic disorders early in life so the treatment can be started as early as possible
  • It can also help you get your child’s hidden talents and innate personality traits
  • Treatment is without any side-effects.

Who can benefit from GenoHomeopathy?

  • Newborns
  • Children
  • Men
  • Women
  • Elderly.

With GenoHomeopathy, patients can now target a whole gamut of ailments like varied disorders including Allergies, Child Health, Hair loss, Preventive Health (Male/Female/Child), Skin Disorders, Stress, Weight Management, Women’s Health and Sexual Health. All this with just a simple genetic test that is painless and cost-effective too.

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