Vitiligo & Anxiety

Vitiligo Treatment in Homeopathy without Anxiety

January 31, 2022 , Last updated: July 10, 2024

Vitiligo spots under your sleeves may not annoy you as much as those on exposed skin, such as your face or hands. Because it affects physical appearance, white patches can be a barrier to social relationships and cause social anxiety.

According to a study by Pfizer, about 0.5 percent to 1 percent of the world's population is affected by vitiligo. It can cause skin irritation, which can lead to a variety of other problems such as rashes, spots, flaking, and so on. Several studies also suggest that severe anxiety issues are connected with this skin condition. As per a study by NCBI, vitiligo affects self-esteem and quality of life in vitiligo patients.

Let us find out more about vitiligo skin condition, how it affects a person’s psychological well being and the treatment that can help with this skin condition and anxiety caused by it better.

What is Vitiligo?

Vitiligo is a long-term skin disorder that causes pale white spots to appear on the skin. It is caused by a lack of melanin, the pigment in the skin. Vitiligo can affect any part of the skin, although it most usually affects the face, neck, and hands.

Symptoms of Vitiligo

  • mouth and eyes
  • fingers and wrists
  • armpits
  • groin
  • genitals
  • inside your mouth
  • It can also appear on the scalp. A lack of melanin in your skin might cause your hair to turn white or grey in the afflicted area.
  • Vitiligo does not cause any pain or dryness, but the patches might be irritating at times.
  • The severity of the illness varies from person to person. Some people have a few white patches, while others develop larger white spots that spread across significant portions of their skin.

It is impossible to anticipate how much skin will be impacted. Usually, the white patches are permanent.

Vitiligo & Anxiety

Vitiligo Types

There are 2 types of vitiligo:

  1. non-segmental vitiligo
  2. segmental vitiligo

Vitiligo can affect your entire body in rare situations. This is referred to as universal or total vitiligo.

Non-segmental vitiligo: (also known as bilateral or generalized vitiligo) is characterized by symmetrical white patches on both sides of the body.Symmetrical patches can develop on the following surfaces:backs of your hands, arms, skin surrounding body openings like the eyes, knees, elbows, and feet.
As per a study by NCBI, non-segmental vitiligo is the most prevalent kind of vitiligo, affecting around 9 out of 10 persons.

Segmental vitiligo: The white patches in segmental vitiligo (also known as unilateral or localized vitiligo) only affect one section of your body.Although it is more common in children, segmental vitiligo is less common than non-segmental vitiligo. It usually begins sooner and affects three out of every ten children with vitiligo.

What exactly causes vitiligo?

Vitiligo is caused by a deficiency of a pigment in the skin called melanin. Melanin, which gives your skin its color, is produced by skin cells called melanocytes.
There aren't enough functioning melanocytes in your skin to produce adequate melanin when you have vitiligo. This results in the formation of white patches on your skin or hair. It's unclear why the melanocytes vanish from the affected skin patches.

Why can a skin ailment like vitiligo bring anxiety?

  • Unexpected changes in our looks are difficult to accept. We take knowing what to expect when we glance in the mirror for granted, so seeing an altered reflection is like unexpectedly entering "the twilight zone."
  • Coming to terms with the gradual visual process of aging is difficult enough for any human being. The gradual and unpredictable nature of vitiligo, on the other hand, requires us to confront change much more quickly, perhaps from one day to the next.
  • Fear, panic, rage, or a general sense of helplessness can result from our lack of control over these shifts.
  • It can also cause concern about what strangers would think of our appearance and makes us feel obligated to explain the changes to our friends and family.

How can we cope with the anxiety that vitiligo can cause?

  • Concentrate on self-acceptance.
  • Let go of stress.
  • Enhance your self-esteem.
  • Make an effort to help others.
  • Self-sufficiency.
  • Regain control of your life.

How should vitiligo be treated?

Vitiligo can be treated in a variety of methods. To treat vitiligo, there are conventional methods, cosmetic methods, and ayurvedic methods. Each method of treatment has its drawbacks. Though homeopathy is a boon for vitiligo.

Is homeopathy effective for vitiligo?

When it comes to vitiligo treatment, homeopathy has a wide range of options. In a clinical trial conducted by the AKP Homeopathic Clinical Centre, 259 vitiligo patients out of 629 patients improved, while 42 leucoderma patients out of 97 patients benefited. This study proves the efficacy of homeopathic treatment for vitiligo. Because homeopathic medicines are derived from natural components, they have no negative effects. They address the underlying causes of your vitiligo and treat it to ensure long-term relief. Therefore, vitiligo treatment with homeopathy is a secure and reliable method.

Dr Batra's® Vitiligo Treatment

At Dr Batra's® Healthcare our homeopathy doctors use the medical science of homeopathy to understand the patient’s physical, emotional, and psychological symptoms. The homeopathic doctor undertakes an in-depth consultation and devises a unique treatment plan to manage vitiligo.

This vitiligo treatment plan incorporates homeopathy medicines, an efficient diet, and skincare tips to effectively control vitiligo. With over 35 years of experience,
Dr Batra’s® is a trusted name in treating skin problems including vitiligo.

Our team of homeopaths, dermatologists, and dietitians collaborate to ensure you get the finest vitiligo treatment possible.

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