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Obesity Causes in Adults and Children

There are various causes of obesity like:

Poor eating habits and food choices: Diets and drinks high in calories, oversized food portions, fast foods, and skipping breakfast are few habits that cause weight gain and ultimately obesity

Lack of physical activity: Sedentary life that is without adequate physical activities is another major contributor to obesity

Genetic: The amount of fat stored in the body as well as its distribution is largely determined by the genetic make-up of an individual

Family history: On account of having similar lifestyle and food habits, people from the same family may suffer from obesity of a similar pattern. If one or both of the parents are obese, a child's risk of being obese is significantly higher

Pregnancy: Weight gain during pregnancy is a normal and essential phenomenon; however, some women may find it difficult to lose this excess weight after childbirth

Hormonal: Hormonal disturbances in medical conditions like  Hypothyroidism, or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOD/PCOS) can lead to obesity 

Arthritis: Chronic arthritis or any other chronic pain may indirectly contribute to obesity since physical activities are reduced due to pain and the patient may tend to overeat to psychologically combat the pain

Medications: Certain medications like steroids, antidepressants, seizure medications, and certain high blood pressure medicines may also cause weight gain

Psychological causes: It includes bulimia, emotional stress, anxiety, and depression that can lead to overeating thus contributing to obesity.


मेरा नाम अमित कुमार है, मैं झारखंड में रांची का रखने वाला हु । मैं आपलोग को ये बतलाना चाहता हु की मैं 3-4 साल से अपना वजन कम करने का कोसिस कर रहा था, लेकिन मुझे इसमे सफलता नही मिला। और मैं काफी निराश था । तब ही मुझे पता चला कि DR BATRAS द्वारा संचालित B FIT के द्वारा वजन को कम किया जा सकता है। यह जानकर मुझे बहुत खुशि हुई। और मैंने अप्रैल, 2023 को इस प्रोग्राम से जुड़ा। उस समय मेरा वजन 85,6 KदG था, और B FIT को फॉलो करने के बाद आज मेरा वजन 79,1 KG है। इसका सारा श्रेय DR BATRAS का B FIT प्रोग्राम को जाता है । को सुक्रिया अदा करता हु । अंत में मैं B FIT से जुड़े सारे MEMBER

अमित कुमार

I gained weight due to my desk job, I planned to reduce weight to get back to healthy weight, I stared Dr. Batra's B fit program, I learned healthy diet, I have changed my eating habits. I lost 5 kg weight, I feel fit now. The program has professional approach. Doctors, dietician and coaches guidance is appreciated.

Rawal Datta

Being a part of the B Fit program has immensely helped me to streamline my everyday routine. By following the prescribed medication, diet and regular excercise, I was able to reduce 5 kgs in 4 months. This has also helped in increasing my flexibility and I feel really pumped up and energized. The doctor, nutritionist and excercise coach have been really supportive and have helped me tackle all the difficulties I faced during this journey. I would definitely recommend this program to all the people who want to change their lifestyle for the good.

Irfan Hussain

I am really satisfied with my journey in Bfit programme. It has helped me to choose my food cautiously and also schedule my daily workout and diet. The team- Dr. Bhanawat, Lourdes, Steffi, Sawali have guided me in the best direction to not only lose weight but also understand the needs of my body (food, water, exercise). During this journey I have lost 9.5 kgs in weight, reduced my size from XXL to L and also I have become more active throughout the day. The team has been really supportive and encouraging throughout. My blood reports are all normal now. It is just the dedication and hardwork that needs to be maintained while adapting to a change in your life style. I am sure to recommend the Bfit programme to my friends and family whoever needs it. Thank you to the team once again.

Neha Khushboo

I was introduced to Dr. Batra's B-Fit by my Homeopathy doctor. In this program Doctor, Nutrionist, Fitness Coach advised me through Google Meet. They motivated and encouraged me enough during my sessions including the follow up sessions which included medical tests, diet plan and exercise/ fitness plans. I lost 7 kg in 4 months. I can feel light and active now. I want to appreciate the the whole team.


I am very much happy in sharing my experience getting associated with dr Batras B fit fitness program. In the beginning I had a bad experience but they way Dr. Ashwini and batra team helped me to overcome that was just amazing. From being at 101 KG while starting the program to now being at 92 was one unimaginable journey. Special Thanks to Dr. Ashwini, sawali, Aditi and fitness trainer Anuj. If not without their guidance and support I wouldn't have been able to achieve this feet. Thanks once again to the whole team for making my dream a true reality. From Fat man to Fit Man


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