Lichen Planus Treatment

Lichen Planus
February 6, 2017

One of my friends suddenly got violet red colour rashes on her body, associated with severe itching. Initially she thought it was an allergic reaction and applying over-the -counter skin ointment might help treat it. However, none of the oral applications were effective and her rashes worsened day-by-day. She finally consulted a skin specialist who diagnosed her with a skin condition called lichen palnus. Having never heard of any such term before, she wondered what it could be (If you too want to know more about lichen planus, read our blog Lichen planus: Know about its symptoms and types). This post is for those who are looking for a reliable treatment of lichen planus. More importantly, for treatment that is without side-effects.

Lichen planus is a chronic inflammatory condition that affects the skin, mouth and genitals. It is characterised by rows or clusters of dark, raised, flat-topped skin lesions. The definite cause of this disorder is unknown but it is thought to be related to immunity and allergic reaction. The disease can affect people of any age group, though it tends to be common in young adults and middle ages. However, children and old people can also be affected by this disease. Lichen planus affects females more commonly as compared to males.

Lichen planus is neither infectious nor contagious in nature. Apart from being chronic, the disease has periods of remissions (when the symptoms disappear or reduce in intensity) and relapses (when the disease symptoms increase in intensity). Hence, patient compliance to conventional treatment is poor at times.

Conventional treatment for lichen planus comprises of topical immuno suppressants, photo therapy, and oral immuno suppressants. However, these treatments might lead to side-effects like thinning of the skin, chemical dermatitis, cancer, and liver toxicity. This is where homeopathy treatment for lichen planus scores over conventional treatment. Homeopathy medicines for lichen planus are natural oral medicines that effectively treat this disorder without any side-effects. Also, they are non-toxic and non-habit forming.

Homeopathy treatment for lichen planus has proven its efficacy, which is clearly demonstrated by clinical studies as well as cured cases. In 2008, a research study was conducted at the Department of Oral Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, to evaluate the effectiveness of Ignatia 30C (a homeopathic drug) in the management of oral lichen planus. In this single-blind randomised control clinical trial, 30 consecutive patients with oral lesions detected clinically and histologically with erosive and/or atrophic oral lichen planus were recruited. At the end of four months, the authors concluded that Ignatia has a beneficial effect on the treatment of oral lichen planus on selected patients.

At Dr Batra’s®, we have to our credit, the experience of treating more than 10,000 cases of this disorder with homeopathy medicines for lichen planus in our 35 years of practice. Today, we are in a position to offer significant relief to our patients with the help of homeopathy.

Homeopathy medicines for lichen planus target the altered immunity of the body and bring it back to normalcy over a period of time. Treatment helps in the resolution of existing lesions, reduces itching and controls the further spread of lesions. Unlike conventional treatment (which includes steroids), the homeopathy treatment for lichen planus tends to give lasting relief to the patients.

Response to the treatment depends on various factors such as the duration and severity of the ailments, general health of the patient and extent of spread of the disease. Clinical experience suggests that lichen planus of the skin alone is easier to treat as compared to oral and genital lesions.

Finally, homeopathy medicines for lichen planus are safe, free from side-effects as well as non-habit forming.

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