Lichen Planus - Causes & Homeopathy Treatment

Lichen Planus - Causes & Homeopathy Treatment

Lichen Planus
December 29, 2020

Has your skin rash been there for the past few days? Is the itching troubling and the rashes spreading? It could be the beginning of lichen planus disease! It is a skin disorder that affects about 1% to 2% of people worldwide. (Source: NCBI)

In this blog, let’s learn more about the causes of lichen planus and how homeopathy can treat lichen planus effectively.

What is lichen planus?

If you have lichen planus, you develop skin rashes that result due to a disturbed immune system. Even though it might cause uneasiness, lichen planus is neither transmittable nor a very serious condition. But there are several variations of this condition that may be painful and severe.

Causes of lichen planus

Lichen planus occurs when the immune system attacks the skin cells by mistake. This skin disorder affects anyone regardless of their age. Some factors that cause to develop this skin condition are:

  • An allergic or immune reaction to a medicine or other ingredient
  • Infections such as hepatitis C (a virus that attacks your liver)
  • Strong and extended emotional stress due to grief, sadness, anxiety, etc.
  • Heredity
  • Amalgam dental fillings trigger allergic reactions (oral lichen planus causes)

Signs and symptoms of lichen planus

The inception of lichen planus can be unexpected or gradual. The first attack might last for weeks or months. And recurrences might happen for years. The bumps at first are about 2 mm to 4 mm in diameter, with angular borders and violet color. Hyperpigmentation might develop in the affected skin as the lesions persist. If lichen planus involves the scalp, it can damage the hair follicles permanently. This produces a patch of bald skin called lichen planopilaris. If lichen planus involves the finger or toenails, scarring occurs. This produces deformed nails permanently. Ulcerative lichen planus might occur if oral or vaginal lining tissues are involved.


Conventional treatment for lichen planus

Conventional modes of treatment include topical immune suppressants, phototherapy and oral immune suppressants. But there can be possible side-effects including thinning of the skin, chemical dermatitis and liver toxicity. This is where homeopathy comes into the picture.



Lichen Planus - Causes & Homeopathy Treatment

Homeopathic treatment for lichen planus

Homeopathy targets the psycho-somatic nature of skin disorder. It treats the body and mind, thus giving long-lasting results. Homeopathic medicine for lichen planus goes to the root of the disease. This corrects the deranged immune system. It helps to reduce the severity of the rash and period of relapses too. And the best thing about homeopathic treatment is it comes with absolutely no side-effects!

You might want to read more on the best treatment for lichen planus.

At Dr Batra’s™, we have the experience of treating more than 10,000 lichen planus cases. Girish started taking homeopathy treatment for lichen planus at our homeopathy clinic 6 months ago. He has seen considerable improvement in his condition and is satisfied with the result. He now feels positive about continuing homeopathy treatment.

You can take the skin evaluation test in order to assess the current state of your skin problem. It is recommended to book an appointment to get rid of those lichen patches.

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