Does your child suffer from red itchy skin?

Does your child suffer from red itchy skin?

Skin Ailments
April 24, 2017

2 year old Sakina was suffering from red patches skin all over the body since 2 months of age with mild scaling because of dryness of skin. Her mother said that when Sakina was 2months old she had suffered from fever after which she developed these rashes and ever since there was no relief. She had also lost weight because the itching was so terrible that she would refuse to eat food and she would scratch till the skin would bleed. Her parents consulted a skin specialist and she was prescribed anti-allergic. Then they visited an Ayurvedic doctor and took the treatment for almost 6 months but there were no changes. Seeing the child’s condition deteriorate they visited a homoeopathic doctor. The child was diagnosed of suffering from Allergic Dermatitis. After the case history and understanding of the child from her parents the child was given homoeopathic medicines. Slowly and steadily the child improved over a period of 8months.There was not a single episode of itching and the skin appeared to be absolutely normal. Sakina’s parents continued with her homoeopathic treatment for another 2 years and she was completely symptom free.

Atopic dermatitis is an inflammatory skin condition. This skin disease affects people of all ages and all ethnicities. The condition is most common in infants. It may resolve in some and would recur lifelong in some. People with atopic dermatitis may have a family history of the condition or other allergic condition such as allergic rhinitis or allergic asthma. Contrary to popular belief, the disorder is not contagious. It does not spread from one person to another. Atopic dermatitis is caused because of an abnormal immune function. Some forms of dermatitis could be triggered by substances that come in contact with our skin such as soaps, cosmetics, clothing, detergents, jewellery or sweat. Environmental allergens may also cause outbreaks of eczema. Changes in temperature, or humidity, or even psychological stress, can lead to outbreaks of Atopic dermatitis. People who suffer from atopic dermatitis suffer from itchiness of the skin with a parched appearance along with scaling. The skin may crack and become red or inflamed, leading to infection. The acute form may sometimes manifest as a colourless or sticky fluid along with crusts and scabs. This is called wet or weeping eczema. Dermatitis in infants often affects the face, diaper area, the front of the knee and the back of the elbow. It may also be first seen on folds, like the back of the knee and the front of elbows of the children. When one has atopic dermatitis an allergy test including skin patch test may be carried out to identify and confirm the most likely cause of the condition.

Healing with Homoeopathy

Homoeopathic treatment of atopic dermatitis aims at treating the person having the ailment and not just the disease in isolation. Homoeopathy suggests that illness often develop owing to lowered resistance, or compromised immune function. Homoeopathic medicines add zest to our immune mechanism. In other words, they gently propel the power of our immune system to scour the illness from its roots. Homoeopathy avoids the use to external applications in treating eczema or any other skin disease. Homoeopathy selects an appropriate remedy to treat the individual, keeping in mind their physical, mental and emotional states, family history and so on. Homeopathy sites the factors that trigger atopic dermatitis besides looking at the individual’s temperament, likes and dislikes. Atopic dermatitis is evidenced to respond to homeopathic treatment most favourably. Homoeopathy not only removes atopic dermatitis from the roots but prevents its recurrence which is a worrying prospect of conventional treatment. Homoeopathy also helps to get rid of the possibility of hypersensitive disorders such as allergies or asthma being triggered once atopic dermatitis is treated successfully.

Self Help

Wear cotton clothing; try to maintain an even temperature in your surroundings, since rapid temperature changes can cause itching. Avoid clothes and bed covers made of scratchy synthetics, wool and other materials with a rough texture, as these can irritate the skin.

Hot baths can cause itching and increase dryness, tepid water is better.

Keeping finger nails short to help prevent damage to skin caused by scratching.

As far as possible, avoid any known triggers that you feel can aggravate atopic dermatitis.

After an active workout, or after engaging in some sports, dab sweat away with a damp and pat dry or shower as soon as you can, because sweating can irritate the skin and lead to itching.

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