Understanding Female Pattern Baldness

Understanding Female Pattern Baldness

Female Pattern Baldness
March 23, 2021

Both men and women experience hair loss, however, it is not as common in women as in men. Female pattern baldness is a type of hair loss that affects women and it is also called androgenetic alopecia. Noticeable hair loss can be deeply distressing. Are you noticing your ponytail getting thinner or your hair partition widening? This could be an indication.

Symptoms of Female Pattern Baldness

It is normal to lose up to 50-100 hair strands a day. However, in female pattern baldness, the hair’s growing phase slows down and the hair does not grow back at the same speed. Early symptoms of female pattern hair loss are as follows:

  • Excessive hair fall
  • Hair thinning or
  • Change in hairline can be the early signs of female pattern baldness.

Also read: Stages of female patterned hair loss and its treatment

Understanding Female Pattern Baldness

What causes Female Pattern Baldness?

There are many different causes of hair loss in women, from medical conditions, medications to physical or emotional stress. Moreover, it could also be a result of nutritional deficiency or even lifestyle factors. Hair loss is commonly related to one or more of the following factors:

1. Genetics - This can play a significant role in causing hair loss. Due to family history, one can inherit the gene for pattern baldness from either parent. Over time this type of hair loss can become prominent.

2. Autoimmune disease - Conditions like alopecia areata causes the immune system to attack the roots of the hair. This can eventually result in hair loss in patches.

3. Traction alopecia - Hairstyles that pull the hair too tightly can also cause hair loss in females.

4. Medical conditions or hormonal changes - Changes due to pregnancy, menopause, or thyroid problems can also cause temporary or permanent hair loss.

Treating Female Pattern Baldness

Wondering which hair loss treatment to choose? With plenty of options available it is important to make sure to choose what is right for you. After all, not all ways to combat hair problems prove to be safe and effective. With over 40 different types of hair loss and hair loss causes, approaching the right treatment in time can make all the difference. Most women choose cosmetic hair fall treatment or store-bought products but these can have harmful side-effects like the following due to their high chemical content:

  • Scalp irritation
  • Increased hair loss
  • Unwanted hair growth
  • Temporary results or
  • Increased toxicity in the body

Homeopathic Advantage

Homeopathy has been scientifically proven to benefit people suffering from hair problems. Homeopathic medicine for hair loss aims to address the root cause of hair loss without any side-effects. Treatment is aimed at slowing down the progress of hair loss and inducing hair growth. At Dr Batra’sTM, the homeopathic hair specialist offers a complete treatment plan using the safe and natural medical science of homeopathy. After undertaking the patient’s detailed case history the best hair treatment methods are planned out. Simply worrying about hair loss can just make the condition worse. Instead, consult our team of hair experts for effective and long-lasting results. Click www.drbatras.com/book-an-appointment to book an appointment with our hair experts.

Also read: Cure for Female Pattern Baldness

Authored By

Dr. Ravi Kant Kaushik


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