Tips to build your child’s immunity

Tips to build your child’s immunity

Child Health
September 15, 2020

How can you protect your child from the endless exposure to viruses and germs? This is a constant query going through every parent’s mind. Especially, when we’re in the middle of the Coronavirus pandemic.

The key to keeping viruses and infections at bay is keeping tabs on the system that fights these harmful substances – your immunity.

How to increase immunity in your children? Here are some tips to reinforce your child’s immunity. 

Dietary tips

  • Only breast milk for infants: A new-born’s immunity isn’t developed at all. . It develops while he/she grows. Breast milk plays a significant role in the development of immunity. Many researchers agree that babies give a cue as to what they need through their saliva. The mother’s body ends up customizing the milk according to their needs. Breast milk and saliva interactions boost innate immunity. (Science Daily “Breast Milk and Babies’ Saliva Shape Oral Microbiome”)
  • Immune boosting foods: Turmeric, garlic, flaxseeds, honey, cinnamon are some of the most effective immunity boosting foods for kids. According to experts, sugar is the biggest hindrance to your child’s immunity growth and health. Replace regular sugar with natural sugar like jaggery, coconut sugar, date sugar, and fruits like berries and oranges.
  • Mushrooms: Being rich in Vitamin D and antioxidants makes mushroom an effective immune booster. You can sneak mushrooms in your children’s sandwiches or soups. 

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Lifestyle tips

  • Talk to them about stress: While your children are cooped up inside the house, they may resort to technology to avoid getting bored. Use this time and talk to your children about their stress due to the sudden shift of routine. Additionally, it’s a way of letting them cope with the global crisis of Coronavirus disease. Stress may also lead to anxiety. A child can have the same response to anxiety as an adult. The stress hormones hinder your child’s immune response. The key is to talk and let them vent out all their emotions.
  • Ensure they get enough sleep: 16-hour sleep for infants and 10 hours of sleep for every child is essential. Multiple studies verify that sleep deprivation makes your child more susceptible to catching infections and viruses. It reduces the T-cells in their blood which are a central part of their immune system. (Source: NCBI)
  • Introduce family workouts: Exercise increases the number of natural fighting cells in your body. Your child may not exercise alone. So introduce a routine and set an example so that your child can follow, thus boosting their immunity.
  • Hygienic habits: This step doesn’t boost immunity but it keeps the viruses and germs at an arm’s length. This will reduce the stress on your child’s immunity. Ensure that your child washes hands with soap before and after every meal, after handling pets or blowing their nose.
  • Don’t resort to antibiotics: Don’t succumb to the worries of cold or fever on regular days and start opting for antibiotics. They merely suppress the symptoms of a disease. Strain of antibiotics on child health can be detrimental. So, what is the right immune booster for your child?

Tips to build your child’s immunity


Homeopathy for immunity

Made from natural ingredients, homeopathy is absolutely safe for your child. The homeopathic immune boosters fortify your child’s immune system in the gentlest manner without any side-effects.

At Dr Batra’sTM every child is given a customized homeopathic medicine for improving immune system based on their medical history, body’s capacity and many other factors.

Book an online appointment at Dr Batra’sTM and let our homeopathic doctor strengthen your child’s immunity for a healthy life.

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