Treatment options for Seborrhoeic Dermatitis

Treatment options for Seborrhoeic Dermatitis

Seborrhoeic Dermatitis
February 22, 2021 , Last updated: July 19, 2024

Seborrhoeic dermatitis most often affects the scalp and causes scaly, red patches to appear. Its global prevalence is 3-5%. (Source: Medscape) It’s the result of an allergy or an autoimmune reaction.


In children, seborrhoeic dermatitis appears as a scaly redness that typically is not scratchy. In some children, it affects only the scalp. But in others, it involves the neck creases, armpits or groin. In adults and adolescents, seborrhoeic dermatitis might affect only the scalp, appearing as either patchy or diffuse areas of redness and flaking. Other skin areas commonly affected include:

  • Eyebrows
  • Eyelids
  • Forehead
  • Nose creases
  • Outer ear
  • Chest
  • Underarms
  • Groin

Even though some adults and adolescents feel an itchy or burning irritation in the seborrheic area, others don't have any uneasiness. In some, seborrheic dermatitis flareups are activated by stress.

Expected duration

In babies, seborrhoeic dermatitis is characteristically worse during the first year of life. It typically goes on its own as the kid grows. And it might return during the teenage years. In grownups and teenagers, seborrhoeic dermatitis tends to be a chronic condition that comes and goes over many years.

Treatment options

  • Creams, shampoos or ointments that control inflammation:

    You can apply prescribed creams, shampoos or ointments to the scalp or other affected area. They are effective and easy to use, but should be used carefully. If used for many weeks or months without a break, they can cause side-effects like thinning skin or skin showing streaks or lines. Creams or lotions containing calcineurin inhibitors tacrolimus might be effective and have fewer side-effects than corticosteroids do. But they are not first-choice treatments as the Food and Drug Administration has apprehensions about a likely connotation with cancer. Furthermore, tacrolimus cost more than mild corticosteroid medications.


  • Antifungal medication:

    If your condition isn't improving with other treatments, an antifungal medication can be taken in pill form. These are not a first choice for treatment because of likely side-effects.


: Treatment options for Seborrhoeic Dermatitis

Homeopathy for seborrhoeic dermatitis

Homeopathy goes deeper into the core of the disease and offers a long-lasting treatment. It considers the individual affected by the disease and not the symptoms alone. It reduces the rate of recurrence and the duration of complaints.

You might want to read more on natural treatment and remedies for seborrhoeic dermatitis.

Homeopathy offers relief in symptoms and treats the disease totally. It considers individual susceptibility towards treatment modalities. 41 patients were observed to assess the outcome of homeopathic medicines on seborrhoeic dermatitis. 29 patients finished the 10-week blinded portion of the study. After 10 weeks of homeopathy treatment, the disease state of the patients improved significantly. (Source: NIH)

At Dr Batra’s®, we treat seborrhoeic dermatitis with a 94% success rate (validated by American Quality Assessors). Around 73% of patients endorse Dr Batra’s® homeopathic treatment to be the best solution for their hair problems.

Get a customized, safe and effective seborrhoeic dermatitis treatment in homeopathy by booking an online appointment with our hair doctors.

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