Thyroid Disorders – Treat it with Homeopathy Pills

Thyroid Disorders – Treat it with Homeopathy Pills

January 30, 2020

Are you heat intolerant with a disordered sleep pattern and feeling constipated mostly? Having excessive hair loss along with sweating, unusual tiredness, or being troubled by menstrual irregularities for a long period of time? If the answer to all or most of the above is a ‘Yes’, then certainly you are not alone. You are indeed dealing with the classical symptoms of thyroid dysfunction.

Being a woman is such a blessing but with a medical exception of being more prone to this disorder. Indeed so! In India, studies reveal that 1 in every 10 adults (mostly females) deals with these symptoms of thyroid malfunction. These symptoms are more prevalent in women where almost 60% of the women in their adulthood are either suffering from hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid gland function) or hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid gland function).

At Dr Batra’s Clinics alone, we have been able to identify and relate these above outlined symptoms with thyroid disorders in many of our patients. Here, the white homeopathy pills and the homeopathic regime in itself play an important role in efficiently dealing with such symptoms with almost 96.6% success rate. So, in case you too are suffering any such symptoms, do get in touch with our team at Dr Batra’s by booking an online appointment at

Know It When to Knock the Doctors’ Door

As thyroid disorders can be broadly characterized into hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, their symptoms vary, largely in contrast to each other. Hypothyroidism (1 in 10 cases) is more prevalent than hyperthyroidism (1 in 50 cases), and sadly for our women readers, both of these conditions are very common in women than in men.

  • Hypothyroidism Symptoms: The patients with hypothyroidism feel the symptoms of easy fatigability, forgetfulness, dry skin, dry hair, brittle nails, constipation, unwanted weight gain, muscle cramps, decreased or irregular menses, frequent mood swings, and even depression.
  • Hyperthyroidism Symptoms: The patients with hyperthyroidism display the symptoms of feeling hot at times, excessive sweating, difficulty falling asleep, concentration and memory issues, forgetfulness, loose bowel motions, increased heart rate, palpitation, anxiety, weight loss, menstrual irregularities, etc.

Click here to know more about thyroid disorders.

Homeopathy Can Be Your Best Friend For Thyroid Treatment

Since thyroid disorders fall in the category of autoimmune diseases, its treatment is best outlined in the books of homeopathy, and it is the best alternative treatment option because of its holistic approach.

  • As a homeopathic practitioner myself, I first try and understand the underlying causes and symptoms, then correlate, corroborate, and outline the best homeopathic treatment for Thyroid disorders which will surely be safe in practice.
  • With homeopathy, there is absolutely no risk of any sort of drug dependency. In the treatment of hyperthyroidism and goitre, the potency and efficacy of homeopathic pills ensure better functioning of the thyroid gland by reducing the excess hormone levels to an extent where patients can even ward off surgery.
  • Stress causes hormonal disturbances in the body like thyroid problems and is very effectively treated with homeopathy. Homeopathy is a mind-body medicine. Homeopathy treats not only the physical complaints but also targets the mind and gently restores mind-body equilibrium- thus it treats the patient as a whole.
  • Thyroid disorders are treated mainly by addressing the root cause of the disease to achieve symptomatic relief without the risk of over or under treatment. With this, we can also prevent the patient from a relapse of any other autoimmune diseases in future. 

At Dr Batra’s™, we have a team of experts from the departments of homeopathy as well as endocrinology who work as a team to plan the treatment for the best possible outcome for patients. Cases are studied in-depth and detailed consultation is undertaken. Therefore, if you or your loved one is suffering from thyroid disorder and looking for a safe, natural, and effective treatment, consult our expert homeopaths by booking an appointment online through

Some self-help tips that might be helpful in treatment of thyroid disorders

  • Healthy diet: Your thyroid functions the best when your metabolism is best supported by a healthy diet that includes protein, essential vitamins, and vital minerals.
  • Practicing Yoga: Practicing yoga enhances the blood flow to your thyroid gland.
  • Checking TSH Levels: The TSH level should be checked once in every 6 to 12 months to carefully monitor the effectiveness of the treatment.

In case a person is hypothyroid, limiting intake of Brussels sprouts, bok choy, cauliflower, turnips, kale, and cabbage might be beneficial because research suggests that digesting these vegetables may block the thyroid's ability to utilize iodine, which is essential for carrying out normal thyroid functions.

Keep these simple tips in mind, call us for any queries, and treat your thyroid problems from the root with homeopathy. The following link enlists the most frequently asked questions related to thyroid problems: Thyroid FAQs

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