Scope of homeopathy in the treatment of allergy

Scope of homeopathy in the treatment of allergy

August 14, 2019

Allergies can be debilitating, suffocating, or even feel like a cold that lasts the entire season. Allergies cause cough, skin rashes, itchy and runny noses which can lead to a great discomfort and annoyance.

Are you one of those who’ve tried everything, from home remedies to powerful steroidal treatment for allergies, but to no help?

You feel better while taking treatment, but once it’s over, the allergy is back!

And you’ve came to a conclusion that there’s no permanent treatment for allergies?"

This blog has some good news for you! Homeopathic Treatment is the answer to your entire allergy problem.

Wondering how?

Let’s start with some basic information on allergies and then go on to how they can be treated.

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What are Allergies?

Allergy is a condition caused due to the hypersensitive immune response to otherwise harmless substances in the environment. While a normal person tends to carry out normal activities without any hassle, an allergic individual ends up having symptoms ranging from mild to moderate severity when exposed to the same otherwise normal environmental conditions.

An allergen is a substance or the environment that leads to the symptoms of allergies in an individual. The common allergens identified are dust, pollen, animal dander, certain food substances, or metal and chemicals.

Scope of homeopathy in the treatment of allergyTypes of allergies?

Allergies come in a variety of forms. Some allergies are seasonal, while others occur all year. Some allergies might last a lifetime. Some common allergies types are respiratory allergy, skin allergy and food allergy.

Respiratory Allergy

Respiratory allergies arise when the immune system reacts negatively to particular things such as dust, pollen, or animal hair. These allergies are extremely widespread and can affect people of all ages.

Climate change may cause the rise of allergy disorders (Source: National Center for Biotechnology Information) A warmer atmosphere is connected with a longer pollen season and lead to an increase in allergic reactions and acute asthma attacks.

Some common Respiratory Allergy Symptoms are an itchy nose and throat, nasal congestion, coughing and breathing problems.

Skin Allergy

A skin allergy occurs when the immune system reacts to something that is normally harmless, causing the skin to become inflamed.

Exposure to metals and chemicals are the most common causes of skin allergies, however proteins can also trigger skin allergies.

Harmful chemicals can be found in cosmetics and body care items, as well as hair dyes, detergents, textiles, and jewelry. Nickel, perfumes, and thimerosal are the most common cause of skin allergies.

Itching, burning, redness, pimples, hives, and swelling are all symptoms of an allergic reaction.

Food Allergy

According to NCBI, allergies to foods are extremely common. In fact, they affect about 5% of adults and 8% of children, and these percentages are increasing.

A food allergy is an immunological reaction that happens shortly after ingesting a specific food. Even a small amount of the allergy-causing food might cause symptoms of the allergy.

An allergic reaction to a specific food can be unpleasant but not life-threatening for some people. However for some, it could be terrifying and even life-threatening.

According to the Food and Drug Administration in 90% of the cases these 8 food allergens, are major cause of food allergy also known as “Big Eight Allergen” list as follows

  1. Crustacean shellfish (e.g., crab, lobster, shrimp)
  2. Wheat
  3. Soybeans
  4. Tree nuts (e.g., almonds, walnuts, pecans)
  5. Peanuts
  6. Milk
  7. Eggs
  8. Fish (e.g., bass, flounder, cod)

Symptoms can appear anywhere from a few minutes to several hours after food consumption. Some common symptoms of food allergies are vomiting, hives and itchy rash.

In the most severe cases, a food allergy can lead to anaphylaxis, an itchy rash, swelling of the neck or tongue, shortness of breath, and low blood pressure. These symptoms might appear suddenly and can be fatal in some situations.


Who can develop allergies?

Anyone who is susceptible can develop an allergy, be it skin, food or respiratory, at any point of time in life.

Allergies like atopic dermatitis and infantile asthma commonly develop during childhood whereas urticaria is usually seen in later phases of life. According to National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), allergies can be inherited genetically and usually run in families.


What are allergy symptoms?

Depending on the type of allergies, skin allergy symptoms usually involve severe itching, patchy skin, flaking, oozing or discharge, pain at times, hives and swelling of the skin.

Respiratory allergies usually come with sneezing, irritation in the eyes, watery red eyes, running nose, and irritation in the throat.

Allergy symptoms generally increase with changes in temperature and are seasonal in nature.


Can allergies be treated?

You can control the allergic reaction and reduce your allergy symptoms with homeopathic treatment.

The conventional mode of allergy treatment involves administration of anti-histamines, and steroids that help in controlling the symptoms of the allergy thereby providing relief, though temporary.
Prolonged use of medications due to constant exposure to allergens can create resistance in the body.

This leads to a need for higher dose medications at more frequent intervals, causing long term side-effects.

As opposed to this, homeopathic treatment is safe and effective for allergies.
According to the National Center for Homeopathy (NCH), treatment of allergies with homoeopathic remedies has been widely explored, and tests have proven that they are quite successful.

What is the scope of homeopathy in the treatment of allergies?

Homeopathy is a holistic science and is known to treat allergies effectively.

According to NCBI, homeopathy works at your immune level, which not only helps relieve the allergy symptoms, but also helps in preventing the relapse of allergies when exposed to the same allergen or allergic condition.

Homeopathic remedies when given in the right potency, repetition and for the right duration, can do wonders, that too without any side- effects.

Homeopathic remedies for allergies can be easily tapered and stopped once the individual is on the road to recovery. It certainly is not habit forming, and the body seldom develops resistance to it thereby enabling it to go to the core of the illness and remove it from the root.

Homeopathic medications are given as immunity boosters that can help prevent allergies.

Benefits of Homeopathy?

In every element of human health, homoeopathy has been shown to be helpful. There are numerous advantages of using homoeopathic medicine.

Homeopathy is safe and effective at all phases of life, including infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, an as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Homeopathy therapies do not interact with any other medications that a person is taking.

Homeopathy is recognized for its easy, painless, and natural treatment for long-term healing. Homeopathy focuses on treating the underlying cause of the disease, and homoeopathic treatment improves immunity and provides systemic healing.

At Dr Batra’s® Healthcare, our homeopathic specialists evaluate your condition, family and medical history closely before providing customized Homeopathy treatment.

Book an appointment now!

Read more about Healing allergic rhinitis with homeopathy

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