Dr. Dani Harin


23.7 Years


English, Hindi, Gujrati
Dr Harin Dani is practicing homeopathy for the past 23 years and has treated around 11,000 patients. Dr Dani has Masters Degree in Alternative Medicine and has done Certificate Course in Child Health; Certificate Course in Gynaecology and Obstetrics; Fellowship in Rural and Health Society and Fellowship Course in Homoeopathic Dermatology. Dr. Dani Harin is a highly determined doctor and has a degree in Diploma in Homeopathy Medicine and Surgery from Baroda Homoeopathic Medical College. He has also done fellowship course in homeopathic dermatology (FCH Dermatology) from Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik.
- Professional excellence: With his professional experience in acute as well as chronic ailments and has treated 30,000+patients so far. He has done consultation to various ranges of ailments such as Cancer/Malignancy, Child Health, CNS, Endocrine, Gastrointestinal, Paediatric, Sexual Health, Stress Management, Weight Management, ANO Rectal Disorder, Asthma, Backache, GroHair, Psychiatric, Rheumatology, Skin Brightening, Teen and Adolescence, Cardiovascular, Diabetes, Female Disorders, Immunity Building, Obesity, STMcell, Thyroid Disorders, Women’s Health, Allergy, Musculoskeletal System, Respiratory, Urinary.
- Mentor professional: As Regional mentor professional, Dr. Harin is dedicated to helping his patients learn about their health and make informed decisions about their healthcare. He provides guidance and support to his patients, helping them navigate complex healthcare issues.
- Multilingual: Dr. Harin is fluent in English, Gujrati and Hindi making him an ideal homeopath for patients who are more comfortable speaking in their native language. He can effectively communicate with his patients, understands their concerns, and provide personalized care.
Dr. Harin is a compassionate and experienced homeopath and is currently associated with Dr Batra’s® Positive Health Clinic Pvt. Ltd. With a focus on personalized care, he goes above and beyond to ensure his patients' well-being.