Is it possible to reverse Autoimmune Thyroiditis?

Is it possible to reverse Autoimmune Thyroiditis?

December 14, 2017 , Last updated: July 1, 2024

Individuals suffering from autoimmune thyroid disorders have certain stressors such as acute stress, chronic stress, nutrient deficiencies, food sensitivities, sluggish liver, leaky gut, inflammation, low grade infection or viruses, chemicals or heavy metal toxins. Human body will move towards vibrant health when the stressor or maintaining cause is removed and then the body functions are restored to balance.

How do the above mentioned stressors cause an autoimmune thyroid?

Acute stress whether be physical or psychological can cause a rise in the stress hormone adrenaline and cortisol which suppress helper T-Cell activity.

Chronic stress in any form can cause adrenal fatigue which depletes the hormones adrenaline and cortisol. This in turn causes the helper T-cell to get out of control resulting in an imbalance between T-cells and B-cells. Chronic stress can also suppress T-cell production resulting in low immunity.

Nutrient deficiency is a form of stress that can be at the root of an autoimmune response. For example, an iodine deficiency causes inflammation of thyroid which causes over-production of T-cells and B-cells.

Food allergies and sensitivities for instance to gluten, dairy products, can cause B-cells to be over produced which may result in an accidental attack on healthy thyroid tissue.

Certain medications and vaccinations can be antigenic and can trigger an autoimmune response.

Environmental toxins from cleaning products and pesticides to dry cleaning fluids and plastics can become antigenic and can trigger an autoimmune condition.

In such cases, thyroid medicine alone cannot treat the autoimmune thyroid condition. Removal of the stressor as well as a treatment which can help revive body’s immune system back to normal would be of great help and will gradually lead to reversal of the condition to normal.

Benefits of Homoeopathic Medicines for Thyroid Diseases

Homoeopathy helps to produce thyroid hormone naturally by stimulating the immune system and helps in better functioning of the thyroid gland.

Homoeopathic remedies work by stimulating the body’s own healing capacity by encouraging the body to reactivate hormone secretions.

Homeopathy is free from any side-effects.

Stress causes hormonal disturbances in the body like thyroid problems s and is very effectively treated with homeopathy.

Homoeopathy is a mind-body medicine. Homoeopathy treats not only the physical complaints, but also targets the mind and gently restores mind-body equilibrium- thus it treats the patient as a whole.

If a patient is taking conventional medicine for hypothyroid, they can continue taking the medicine with homoeopathic medicine.

Homoeopathic medication does not interfere with the absorption of conventional medicine and does not reduce its efficacy.

Slowly and steadily when the thyroid hormones come to normalcy the conventional medicine can be tapered off and the person can continue with homoeopathy to avoid recurrence.

What other care do I need to take?

A gluten free diet would be of great help especially if you are a case of autoimmune thyroiditis/ Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. Gluten resembles thyroid tissues. If you suffer from a leaky gut your body may mistakenly attack your thyroid believing it is attacking gluten molecules. This would cause the thyroid to remain underactive even after taking hormonal supplementations.

Make sure you are taking a high quality multivitamin with iodine, zinc, selenium, iron, vitamin D and B12.

Get at least 8 to 10 hours of sleep. Sleep is very essential to facilitate the repair and regeneration process of the body.

You need to take extra care if you suffer from a leaky gut. A proper functioning digestive system is critical to good health.

Avoid refined vegetable oils including soybean, corn, sunflower and canola. Prefer eating coconut oil. It helps to reduce brain fog and enhance your cognitive performance.

Get enough Vitamin A and Vitamin D as they are very critical for optimal thyroid and brain function. Cod liver oil capsules are a great option as it contains Vitamin a, Vitamin D and omega 3 fatty acids all together but under the guidance of your doctor.

Filter your drinking water to avoid fluoride, chlorine and other halogens as they interfere with the thyroid function.

Reduce stress levels.  High levels of physical and mental stress can be detrimental to your thyroid function. This is the reason it is critical that you manage stress, massage, acupressure, meditation and yoga would be of great help.

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