7 Signs That Someone You Love Could Be Depressed

November 6, 2018 , Last updated: July 6, 2024

Ashley is a 27-year-old executive in an accounting firm and she had always been quiet and introverted. Since the past couple of months, she avoided going out with her friends and started spending hours alone in her own room. When she finally felt like speaking to her parents about her problem, they told her the feeling was temporary and it would pass. Finally, when Ashley could not handle her emotions anymore, she confided in a friend who helped her get counselling.

Depression is a commonly floated term in the media, however most people don’t know its exact definition. Most confuse depression with unhappiness and assume the feeling is temporary and passes on its own. However, depression is a serious clinical condition. It leaves the patient with a deep feeling of hopelessness that rarely passes on its own.

The taboo nature of psychiatry leaves many people reluctant to discuss their depression. They fear their family and friends will judge them. Worse still they fear being labelled ‘mad’. Moreover, it is often hard for victims to come to terms with the fact that they are suffering. The onus therefore falls on family and close friends to recognize the warning signals. Here are 7 signs that someone you love is suffering symptoms of depression.

  1. Loss of interest in social life

    If a friend or a loved one suddenly loses interest in regular activities, it is a sign of depression. By losing interest, we do not mean temporarily for a day or two. The person suffering usually gives up or quits socializing, participating in hobbies or going outdoors.

  2. Sleeping for extended periods of time

    Depression makes people feel a general sense of hopelessness. This is why one of the main symptoms of depression is a person sleeping for extended periods of time. Depression makes a person feel they have nothing to look forward to by waking up and facing the day.

  3. A marked change in appetite

    Another symptom of depression is overeating. If someone close to you has a sudden and prolonged change in eating habits, it might signal a deeper emotional problem. People suffering depression go to extremes: either they binge eat or they avoid eating to the point of starvation.

  4. Extended periods of illness

    Depression is a psychological illness but it does have a profound physical impact. People with depression are known to suffer painful debilitating headaches for extended periods of time. Depression can also cause digestive problems, eating disorders, irregular menses, flu, and insomnia.

  5. A disinterest in personal upkeep

    One of the main bipolar disorder symptoms, extreme mood swings can cause a person to lose complete interest in personal hygiene and upkeep. If you notice a friend or a family member suddenly stop combing their hair or leaving themselves unkempt in any similar fashion, it is a sign of depression.

  6. Increased dependence on substance

    Depression usually finds an outlet in substance abuse. Victims of depression often channel their inner turmoil through an addiction. The addictions vary from person to person. The main ones are cigarettes, alcohol, and caffeine. Extreme cases of depression lead to drug addiction.

  7. A sudden expression of worthlessness

    Does someone you love keep saying things such as ‘what is the use of doing anything’ or ‘it is all my fault’ a lot? Watch out for these lines for they are a clear sign that someone is going through depression. Depression takes away a person’s reason for being and the motivation to take action in life.

Healing With Homeopathy

Depression does not go away on its own. Contrary to popular myths cheering up a person suffering from depression will not make the condition go away; it will merely suppress the symptoms temporarily. Depression needs to be treated clinically for the symptoms to truly come under control. Homeopathy offers safe and natural treatment for the symptoms of depression. Homeopathic medicines are safe and free from side-effects that affect libido and appetite.

Homeopathic treatment for depression focuses on identifying the cause of the distress. Depression is not a uniform condition. It manifests differently in almost each person. Homeopathic treatment for depression focuses on improving serotonin levels which affect our moods. Homeopathy aims to improve the overall quality of life for each age group. Do not let depression steal away your loved ones from you. Consult a homeopathy doctor today for safe and comprehensive healing options.

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