Why men experience hair loss in summer?

Why men experience hair loss in summer?

Male Pattern Baldness
June 9, 2021

Hair loss is a common problem and can negatively affect the quality of life. It could be a result of genes, hormonal changes, stress or part of aging. Certain seasonal or environmental transitions can also change the way your hair looks and feels. However, can a change in the weather lead to hair loss too? Let’s find out.

Based on scientific research, hair falls out when the development process is complete. This hair development process has four stages anagen catagen, telogen, and exogen.

  • Anagen:

    This is the active growth phase of the hair follicles, during this stage the active nourishment helps the hair to grow.


  • Catagen:

    It is also known as the transition phase in this stage, the hair follicles detach themselves from the blood supply.


  • Telogen:

    This is the resting phase in the hair growth cycle. The hair follicles are completely inactive during this stage.


  • Exogen:

    In this phase, hair shedding takes place and it lasts about 2 to 5 months.


Why men experience hair loss in summer?

Each hair growth stage has a different time period and varies from person to person.In general, Excessive hair shedding can be very stressful. Usually losing hair during seasonal changes is temporary. People who have a family history of hair loss are more prone to be affected by seasonal changes too. It is normal to shed between 50-100 hair strands per day but if you are experiencing excessive hair loss, it can be a cause for concern.

The link between summer and hair fall

It is mostly during the warm or summer period, when you may experience more than the usual amount of hair loss. In The British Journal of Dermatology, researchers published their findings of the relation between summer and hair fall. After analyzing the data between January 2004 and October 2016, it indicated that as compared to other seasons, hair loss is more common in summer and fall. The increased exposure to sunlight leads your body to produce less melatonin hormone. This signals the hair follicles in the resting phase (exogen phase) to carry out natural shedding for a longer period than usual.

Moreover, the rise in temperature during summer leads to an increase in sweating. Due to this, men with an oily or even dry scalp can begin to experience dandruff. Dandruff or unclean scalp conditions also increase the chances of hair fall in men.

Homeopathic treatment for hair Loss

Hair loss could be an indication of an underlying problem such as thyroid disorder, nutritional deficiency, stress or others. Homeopathic medicines address the root cause of the problem. Overall, they help to enhance the immune system to reduce the severity of the condition. Homeopathic treatment for hair loss helps to control hair fall and promote hair growth. It also helps to prevent any infection and fight scalp conditions that can cause hair fall.

According to a study published in the Journal of Drug Delivery & Therapeutics, 2017, the homeopathic remedy Arnica provided satisfactory results in the stimulation of hair growth and hair fall treatment.

Hair Treatment at Dr Batra’s® Clinic

Dr Batra’s® hair treatment options are safe, effective, and side-effect-free. For the perfect hair fall treatment, our expert trichologists use the science of homeopathy along with the latest hair technology to provide the best results. The homeopathic doctor reviews the patient’s physical and psychological symptoms, to plan an individualized treatment. The plan incorporates homeopathy medicine for hair loss, suitable hair treatment and hair fall control tips. Over the last 35 years, Dr Batra's® has specialized in treating over 6 lakh people suffering from hair problems successfully. As authenticated by the American Quality Assessors, Dr Batra’s® has an overall success rate of 96.6%. To get individualized, effective and safe treatment for all your hair problems, book an appointment with us:www.drbatras.com/book-an-appointment

Also read: How to beat male pattern baldness?

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