How to know if you have male pattern baldness?

How to know if you have male pattern baldness?

Male Pattern Baldness
April 14, 2021

Do you have a receding hairline and thinning hair at the crown of the head? Well, you may have male pattern baldness. Read on to know more about this hair condition.

Risk factors for male pattern baldness

  • Age

The occurrence of male pattern baldness increases significantly with age. Your age is one of the main risk factors for this hair condition. Even though male pattern baldness can start in early adulthood, it becomes much more common with age. Male pattern baldness is the most common type of hair loss in men, for about 95% of it. (Source: WebMD)

  • Family relatives

Look at your dad, granddads, uncles, and male cousins (any first and second-degree relatives) and see if they still have a full head of hair. If they don't, take a note of the degree of baldness and ask them when they first noticed losing their hair. The more relatives you have who are bald, the greater your risk of developing male pattern baldness. One study suggests that young men whose fathers have male pattern baldness are more than 5 times more likely to experience hair loss than men whose fathers do not have this condition. (Source: PubMed Central)

  • Prostate growth

Benign prostate growth is very common with advancing age and also correlated to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels. Do you experience the signs and symptoms of prostate enlargement and suspect male pattern baldness? Well, both conditions are caused by high DHT levels.

Signs of male pattern baldness

  • Thinning and receding hairline

Male pattern baldness typically starts at the front of your scalp, called your frontal hairline. The hairline slowly moves backward (recedes) and forms an "M" shape, with the hair at the temples receding back more than the hair at the middle section of the scalp. Some don't exhibit an "M" pattern, but more of a half-moon pattern, where the entire front hairline recedes back in unison. In due course, the hair becomes thinner and shorter and makes a horseshoe pattern around the sides of the head. The horseshoe pattern is a symptom of advanced male pattern baldness. But some can progress beyond this and become completely bald. You can monitor your hairline by looking in the mirror and comparing photographs of your younger self.

  • Hair on your pillow and comb

Aggressive male pattern balding leads to very noticeable amounts of permanent hair shedding. Keep your pillow cover clean and see how much hair you lose while sleeping. If it's much more than a dozen or so hair strands per night, it might be a cause for some concern. If you use a comb, make sure it's free of hair before you use it and then examine it after your normal combing routine. Combing triggers more hair loss naturally, but more than a few dozen hair strands are not normal and are a sign of male pattern balding.

How to know if you have male pattern baldness?

Homeopathy treatment for male pattern baldness

Homeopathy helps to determine the root cause of male pattern baldness and treats accordingly. It forms the main line of hair loss treatment for men It can be supplemented with other treatment options listed below for further enhancement.

  • Hair Vitalizing Treatment (HVT)

hair treatment for men. It reduces hair breakage. In this hair fall treatment for men, a low-level laser helmet is placed on the scalp for a period of 20 minutes. You can see results in 5 weeks. Its success rate is 90% (as authenticated by the US-based agency American Quality Assessors (AQA)).

  • STMcell Treatment

This South Korean innovation helps to grow your hair naturally. This method triggers hair growth with no pain. This procedure takes 60 minutes once a week. You can see results in 6 weeks. Its success rate is 88% (as authenticated by the AQA).

  • groHAIR Treatment

This French technology is grounded on a Nobel Prize-winning innovation. This is India’s first non-invasive hair fall treatment for men. This treatment strengthens the hair’s keratin tissue. It brings the amino acids and vitamins essential for hair growth up to the hair root. This procedure takes 30 minutes once a week. This hair fall treatment for men is convenient and you can observe results in 5 weeks. Its success rate is 77% (as authenticated by the AQA).

Dr Batra’s™ homeopathy treatment for hair loss in men is one of the most successful treatments with a high patient satisfaction rate of 96.6% (as authenticated by the AQA). We have successfully treated thousands of cases of hair loss. Homeopathy treatment for hair loss in men is administered after a carefully evaluated study of the patient’s case history. The amount of hair loss can be controlled significantly without causing any side effects.

If you're concerned about your hair, book an appointment with us to get personalized treatment for your male pattern baldness.

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