How to increase immunity with homeopathy?

How to increase immunity with homeopathy?

Homeopathy Treatment
March 9, 2021

The primary approaches to treating various health disorders are conventional medicines that directly treat your disease symptoms and natural homeopathic remedies that can stimulate your immune system. Conventional medications do not strengthen your immunity and you can remain prone to the recurrence of various ailments. Whereas, homeopathic medications can strengthen your immune system, have a long-term benefit, and prevent a recurrence.

Homeopathy and The Immune System

Our body manifests symptoms of illnesses, but it is not the origin of the illness. The origin of illness lies in an imbalance of the vital force (force that embodies all of its functional activities). By matching the symptoms of illness with an appropriate homeopathic remedy, the humoral immunity (antibody-mediated immunity) of your body can be restored. Natural homeopathic medicines can stimulate your body’s immune system to defend and heal itself.>

According to a research study published in The Indian Journal of Research in Homeopathy (IJRH), homeopathic treatment is effective on patients with autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, Type 1 diabetes, or psoriasis. People with auto-immune diseases suffer because their body’s immune system is over-active and it attacks their cell-mediated immunity. Homeopathic medicines do not simply stimulate the body’s immune system to treat patients; they can also calm it, when it is necessary for their healing.

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Homeopathic Medicines for Immunity<

The immune system within our body is what protects us from all environmental allergens. According to a research study by The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), homeopathic medicines fit into the class of therapeutic methods that can boost your immune system.

Thus, with the help of homeopathic medicines, you can strengthen your immune system to fight possible intruders efficiently. The homeopathy medicines to increase immunity power can be your best companion for life:

  1. Gelsemium: This homeopathic medicine is known as a very effective remedy when you have Flu symptoms with a cold allergy such as body pain and fever.
  2. Arsenicum Album: This is a very well-known homeopathic remedy for food poisoning as well as other digestive disorders. Arsenicum Album can be very effective in treating various types of stomach disorders caused by the reaction to external bacteria.
  3. Oscillococcinum: This medication is known to be a good homeopathic immune booster. Effective in the cases of a cold allergy and flu symptoms, Oscillococcinum can effectively treat fever and other allergy symptoms.
  4. Allium Cepa: If you have flu symptoms with teary eyes and nasal congestion, Allium Cepa is a very good homeopathic remedy.
  5. Combination homeopathic medications: There are multiple homeopathic combinations that can help to boost your immunity. Some of these combinations are:
  • Calcarea Carbonica, Phosphorus, and Lycopodium: These homeopathic medicines are very effective in treating sensitive cold allergies with extreme nasal blockages or fever.
  • Lycopodium and SabadillaThese homeopathic medicines are very effective when the cold allergy and nasal blockages are because of allergies due to pollen or other environmental allergies. These homeopathic remedies can be used for the symptoms to subside and stop the occurrence of allergy attacks.

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How to increase immunity with homeopathy?

The homeopathic remedies mentioned above are just to make you understand that there are different homeopathic medicines for immunity booster. Therefore, please do not self-medicate. You need to consult a professional homeopathic doctor for an individually selected ‘constitutional medicine’ that will augment your immune system.

Homeopathy for Immunity

Homeopathic medicines do not suppress any allergy symptoms, instead, they enhance your active immune response to viruses, infections, and bacteria. Homeopathy treatment is not only therapeutic; it also works as a useful preventative treatment for cold allergies. Hence, the next time you experience throat allergy symptoms or a runny nose, treat them with the best homeopathic allergy medicine. Homeopathic medicines are very effective when taken at the onset of any ailment symptoms. Additionally, we highly recommended that you take the child or adult immunity evaluation test in order to assess the current state of your immune system.

A homeopathic doctor will ask you a couple of questions regarding your diet, lifestyle pattern, and overall personality to understand the root cause of your common allergy. After a thorough assessment of your general health, the homeopathy doctor will prescribe an appropriate homeopathic remedy that will naturally boost your immunity. You don’t need to worry about any side-effects as homeopathic medications provide natural allergy relief. Book an appointment with Dr Batra’s™ at and let our homeopathic specialist guide you to stay healthy.

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