October 13, 2019

Living with a chronic illness is hard.

Not knowing when the symptoms of PCOS can kick in and turn your “good day” into a nightmare can be very stressful. And yet it is a health problem affecting 1 in 10 women of childbearing age.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is an endocrinological disorder caused due to an imbalance in the reproductive hormones. Women with PCOS disease produce higher-than-normal levels of male hormones. This interferes with the ovulation process and affects the menstruation cycle. Polycystic ovarian syndrome symptoms include irregular/absent menstruation, excessive hair growth on the face, chest, and back, thinning of hair or hair loss, weight gain, oily skin, and acne.

Along with the physical symptoms, PCOS affects women psychologically as well. Some of the symptoms of PCOS like facial hair and cystic acne can make women worry about their appearance. In many cases, PCOS disease also leads to weight gain, again a cause of worry for women. Hair loss is another symptom of PCOS which women need to deal with. The biggest worry, however, is associated with infertility. The prevalence of infertility in women with PCOS varies between 70% and 80%. In almost all cultures, particularly so in ours, the fertility of a woman is closely linked to her sense of worth. Therefore, dealing with an ailment that affects the reproductive process can be very distressing.

Learn more about PCOS in this video: PCOS - Symptoms, Tips, and Treatment      

While you may be doing all you can to deal with PCOS, here are a few tips that can help you deal with it better:

  • Stabilizing your blood-glucose level can prove to be very helpful for you. An easy way to do this is by adding cinnamon to as many meals as you can. Add green vegetables, melon, berries, whole grains, and high-fibre foods to your diet.
  • A little mobility can make a whole lot of difference in helping you manage the symptoms of PCOS. Even a 5-minute walk after meals can help mobilize the glucose from your meals to the cells in your body.
  • It’s the right time to start looking for a substitute for your morning coffee. Coffee is believed to release extra insulin and cortisol, increasing the work for the endocrine system.
  • Adding Omega-3 rich foods like egg yolks, salmon, nuts, seeds, and plant oils can help manage hirsutism and fight hair loss.
  • Make breakfast your biggest meal for the day and dinner the smallest one. This can prove beneficial in weight-management.

Homeopathy For Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Treatment

PCOS is a chronic health condition and requires proper medical attention. Being a chronic condition, the treatment of PCOS can be long-term. Conventional medicines come with the risk of side-effects and are hence not favourable for long-term treatments. Homeopathy, on the other hand, is a safe and natural treatment that you can count on. Homeopathic treatment for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome helps to correct hormonal imbalance, regularizing ovulation and restore normal menstrual cycles. It can also help in managing weight and fight hair loss. As the medicines are made from natural ingredients, homeopathic treatment for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is free from side-effects.

You may have PCOS but PCOS does not have you. Take control of your symptoms with the help of homeopathy before your symptoms control you.

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