Live life infection-free.

Urinary Tract Infections - Diagnosis

At Dr Batra’s™, we carry out the following steps to diagnose cases of UTI:

  • A detailed, clinical evaluation will include understanding signs and symptoms to identify upper or lower UTI.
  • Our doctors will evaluate a detailed medical history of the patient’s present and past illnesses.
  • Based on identified causes, triggering and risk factors, our doctors will provide guidance for self-care and lifestyle management.
  • Blood test and urine analysis are necessary to understand the extent of infection.
  • An X-ray, sonography or expert opinion may be considered in complicated or long-standing cases of UTI.

The above parameters will help design a customised treatment plan and further management for patients with UTI.


  • Chronic UTIs
  • Nephrotic syndrome that involves loss of protein in the urine, resulting in fluid retention (swelling) of the body
  • Hydronephrosis, or swelling of the kidneys due to an obstruction in any part of the urinary tract, commonly seen in kidney stones
  • Permanent kidney damage, leading to scar formation, affecting kidney functioning and resulting in chronic and non-responding anaemia, high blood pressure and kidney failure
  • Pre-term delivery, or delivery before the completion of nine months of pregnancy.
  • Septicemia, or blood poisoning due to the spread of infection.

Consult a Urinary Tract Infections expert now

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