What is the best lichen planus treatment?

What is the best lichen planus treatment?

Lichen Planus
May 28, 2021

Our immune system defends our body against illnesses and infections. It will try to get rid of anything unfamiliar like germs and parasites. There are chances of experiencing purple or red itchy bumps on the body when your immune system reacts to stress, allergens or infectants. This inflammatory condition is called lichen planus.

Lichen planus bumps commonly appear on the wrists, ankles and lower back but they can occur anywhere on the skin, including the genitals. The inflammation and irritation you may feel can range from mild to severe.

The onset of lichen planus can be gradual or sudden. The first attack may last for a couple of weeks or even for months; the recurrences may happen for years.

How lichen planus affects our body?

Lichen planus in the vagina and on the vulva can be difficult to manage; it causes severe pain and sometimes leaves scars. Sexual dysfunction can be a long-term complication. The affected area might stay slightly darker even after the bumps clear up. Oral lichen planus may affect your ability to eat and increases the risk of oral cancer. If lichen planus in the ear canal is left untreated, it may lead to hearing loss.

Diagnosis for lichen planus

A doctor may make a diagnosis of lichen planus based on the symptoms, a physical examination and if required, the results of lab tests. These tests may include:

  • Biopsy:

    A small piece of the affected skin tissue is removed for examination under a microscope. The tissue is studied to determine whether it has the characteristics of lichen planus.


  • Hepatitis C test:

    You may have your blood drawn to test for hepatitis C, which is a possible trigger for lichen planus.


  • Allergy test:

    Your doctor may refer you to an allergy specialist (allergist) to find out if you're allergic to something that can trigger lichen planus.


What is the best lichen planus treatment?


Conventional treatments for lichen planus

  • Corticosteroids:

    Corticosteroid cream or ointment for lichen planus is a commonly prescribed over-the-counter medication to reduce pain and inflammation. Common side-effects of topical corticosteroids include skin irritation or skin thinning where the cream is applied and oral thrush (a type of fungus that accumulates in the mouth) may occur. If steroids are used for long periods as treatment, they may result in complications that could be challenging to reverse.


  • Phototherapy:

    Phototherapy (light therapy) may help clear up lichen planus affecting the skin. Ultraviolet B light is used typically for phototherapy; this penetrates only the upper layer of the skin.


  • Retinoids:

    If the condition doesn't respond to corticosteroids or light therapy, you might get a retinoid medication prescribed such as acitretin.

    Retinoids can cause birth defects. These drugs are not recommended for pregnant women or those looking to get pregnant.

It is recommended to consult a skin specialist before trying any treatment for lichen planus. Some drugs and vitamin supplements can result in seriously adverse reactions when combined with prescription medicines.

Also read: https://www.drbatras.com/skin-diseases/lichen-planus/symptoms

Homeopathic treatment for lichen planus

Lichen planus is a serious, chronic and stubborn disease to treat, but with homeopathy; recovery from this skin condition is possible. Homeopathy primarily focuses on controlling the spread of the disease with a reduction in the lesions.

A homeopath will consider the patient’s personality, lifestyle, hereditary factors and the history of lichen planus before selecting homeopathic treatment for lichen planus. This will help to treat the causative factors of lichen planus with no side-effects. Deranged immunity is known to be the basic cause of the disease. Homeopathic treatment for lichen planus boost and correct the deranged immunity.

According to a study published by the Indian Association of Dermatologists Venereologists Leprologists (IADVL), homeopathic medicines like Sulphur, Thuja, Antim-crud. and Sepia have already been tested and proved effective in controlling lichen planus.

At Dr Batra’s®, we have successfully treated skin conditions of more than 1.40 lakh patients over the last 35 years. As authenticated by the American Quality Assessors, our positive treatment outcome rate is 94.3% in treating skin conditions, including lichen planus. Book an appointment with us for a long-term and effective relief from lichen planus.

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