The interconnection between PCOS and weight loss

The interconnection between PCOS and weight loss

December 16, 2019

The relationship between weight and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) needs to do with the body's inability to use internal secretion properly, which might result in weight gain. And that is why going in the habit of uptake healthy and elbow grease frequently is usually recommended as a part of most women's treatment set up. Read on to know more.

Is there any connection between your body weight and PCOS?

Well, yes! PCOS makes it tougher for the body to use the endocrine internal secretion that usually helps convert sugars and starches from foods into energy. This condition known as internal secretion resistance will cause internal secretion and glucose to make up within the blood.

High internal secretion levels increase the assembly of male hormones known as androgens. High steroid levels result in symptoms like hair growth, acne, irregular periods and weight gain. Because the burden gain is triggered by male hormones, it's generally within the abdomen.

Anecdotally, women with PCOS are considered to be a population with specific barriers to weight management. Mechanistically, these possibly will work either through increasing susceptibility to weight gain or resistance to weight loss.

Homeopaths generally diagnose PCOS if you have a minimum of 2 of the listed below symptoms:

  • High androgen levels
  • Irregular menstrual cycles
  • Cysts in the ovaries

Your homeopath ought to conjointly rise whether or not you have had symptoms like inflammatory disease, face and hair growth, and weight gain. Experts suppose weight gain conjointly helps trigger Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome symptoms, like emission abnormalities and inflammatory disease.

High steroid hormone levels cause symptoms like hair growth, acne, irregular periods and weight gain. Because the load gain is triggered by male hormones, it is typically in the abdomen. Up to 80% of girls with PCOS are overweight or fat. Losing just 5 to 10% of your body weight if you are overweight can help improve your symptoms.

Wondering what are the PCOS causes?

Inflammation which is one of the major PCOS causes has many a scientific reason for it. Women with PCOS typically have accumulated levels of inflammation in their body.

Being overweight can also contribute to inflammation. Studies have joined excess inflammation to higher steroid levels.

Both obesity and PCOS increase your risk for high blood sugar, high blood pressure, low HDL (“good”) cholesterol, and high LDL (“bad”) cholesterol. Together, these factors are called metabolic syndrome, and they increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.

How to treat PCOS?

Women with PCOS produce a larger amount of male hormones and not enough female hormones, which affects ovulation. In PCOS patients, the ovaries are typically enlarged and might even contain multiple small cysts. Yes, the weight matters to your fertility. Women need to gauge whether their mood swings, uncontrolled weight gain, increased acne, irregular periods and unwanted facial hair growth are the result of an underlying issue i.e. PCOS.

Weight loss and other treatments improve your odds of having a healthy pregnancy. Treatment for PCOS sometimes starts with way changes like weight loss, diet, and exercise. Weight loss can even lower insulin and reduce heart disease and diabetes risks. Homeopathy for PCOS is an individualized treatment and therefore effectively addresses and helps to treat the associated symptoms of PCOS effectively.


Lifestyle interventions are the first treatments homeopaths recommend for PCOS, and they often work well. Weight loss will treat PCOS symptoms and improve the chances of obtaining pregnant. Diet and aerobic exercise are two effective ways to lose weight. Medicines are a possibility if way changes don’t work. We suggest you book an appointment with your homeopath for a consult. Visit your nearest homeopathy clinic now!

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