Scalp Psoriasis vs. Dandruff

Scalp Psoriasis vs. Dandruff

March 20, 2021

Flakes on a black dress may be the ultimate put-off but did you know that over 125 million years ago even dinosaurs suffered from dandruff!  Yes, you heard that right! According to an anonymous survey conducted by The British Skin Foundation, 73% of people with dandruff said that it made them feel less attractive, while more than a third admitted to skipping social occasions to avoid embarrassment. The personal care industry conveniently offers its range of products targeting the psychological aspects of dandruff through carefully planned advertisements. But little did we know that a flaky and itchy scalp is often misinterpreted to be dandruff when it could be much more than that.

It is, therefore, important to understand that there is always more than what meets the eye. For a layman, it is difficult to know the difference between dandruff and scalp psoriasis.  But worry no more! Let’s get straight to it.

On one hand, seborrhoeic dermatitis (a severe form of dandruff) is caused by a fungus and is accompanied by itching and scaling of the scalp. Experts generally agree that dandruff comes from an unpleasant cocktail of factors that include excessive secretion of oil, allergies, and colder temperatures. It can also occur in several other areas like the eyebrows, groin, or chest hair.


Several other causes of dandruff are as follows:

  • Fungus called Malassezia is a form of yeast that thrives on the oil on your scalp, causing irritation and flakes.
  • Inadequate shampooing can often lead to an oily scalp, further resulting in dandruff.
  • Some harsh hair care products like shampoo, gel, or dye can irritate your scalp and cause redness, itchiness, and flakes. This type of dandruff is called contact dermatitis.
  • Dry skin can lead to small flakes on your scalp.
  • Men are more likely to get dandruff than women due to male hormones.
  • People with weaker immune systems are prone to get dandruff.

Although dandruff or seborrhoeic dermatitis scalp is comparatively harmless, it can be really annoying. In a severe case, it can also lead to excessive hair loss and eventually baldness. To know more about the link between dandruff and hair fall, read:

Psoriasis, on the other hand, is a skin condition that can affect your scalp causing red scaly patches. These patches result in dry flakes similar to that of dandruff. Although there is a similarity between the two in terms of how they appear, there are a few differences as well.

Unlike dandruff, scalp psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder caused by the body overproducing new skin cells that result in the build-up. This dead skin build-up further leads to scaly and powdery patches that may come off the scalp. More serious outbreaks can even be red in color and extremely painful. Scalp Psoriasis is a long-lasting condition that may spread and creep past the hairline to the forehead. It may also spread to the back of the neck or the skin around the ears and may also result in excessive hair loss.

Some of the causes or triggers of scalp psoriasis are as follows:

  • Temperature changes such as cold and dry weather make psoriatic symptoms worse
  • Infections such as strep throat
  • Excessive stress, depression, and anxiety can be triggers to an autoimmune response resulting in scalp psoriasis
  • Some conventional medications, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may also trigger psoriasis.

To know more about scalp psoriasis read:

To get a holistic treatment for both physical and psychological manifestations of any disorder, you need a proven alternative. It is therefore imperative to consult with a medical professional to know the intensity and type of disease for the right and effective hair treatment.

Homeopathy is a safe option for treating diseases like scalp psoriasis and dandruff without any side-effects. It does not suppress the disease symptoms by using external applications but treats from within by going to the root of the problem. Homeopathic medicines extend beyond the physical symptoms to address the underlying conditions of mental stress, anxiety, depression, and other psychological issues that may be seen in patients suffering from such diseases. Homeopathic medicines are prescribed on the basis of the patient’s case history, temperament, skin type, hair texture, the extent of spread, and so on.

Homeopathy is successful in scalp psoriasis treatment and seborrheic dermatitis treatment as it reduces the intensity and frequency of the attacks leading to improved self-image. According to a study published in The Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, psoriasis patients experienced significant improvement in their quality of life and reduction in their psoriasis symptoms with homeopathic treatment.

In 2008, a prospective observational study at the Charitè University Medical Centre revealed that there was a significant reduction in the severity of seborrhoeic dermatitis in patients taking homeopathic treatment. Patients were able to reduce their dependency on conventional treatment when treated with homeopathic medicines.

At Dr Batra’shomeopathic clinics, we have a success rate of 96.6% in treating hair loss and related disorders like seborrhoeic dermatitis as authenticated by the American Quality Assessors. The treatment is administered by a homeopathic doctor after a carefully evaluated study of the patient’s case history. This is done taking into account the nature of the disease, the temperament, the sensitivities, etc. Book an appointment with our specialist today to help us help you restore your confidence.

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