Homeopathy: Acne healing warrior

Homeopathy: Acne healing warrior

April 9, 2021

Acne, commonly known as pimples, is a common skin condition. It affects 9.4% of the global population. (Source: NCBI) In some, it might occur due to hormonal activity. For instance, in teen boys and girls, puberty brings this skin problem along. Young individuals, between the ages of 12 to 25, are more prone to the problem. (Source: WebMD) In most cases, acne goes away by the age of 30, but many people tend to suffer from the problem until their 50s. (Source: NIH)

Forms of acne

  • Comedones (whiteheads and blackheads): These appear as white or black bumps on the skin, usually on the nose. It is caused due to clogged hair follicles with sebum.
  • Papules: These are inflammation of the skin which usually appear as small, pink bumps tender to the touch.
  • Pustules (pimples): These are pus-filled lesions, red at the base and white to yellowish on the top, which appears as the head of the pimples.
  • Nodules: These are larger than pimples and are sore, hard lesions that are stuck deep within the skin.
  • Lesions: These leave scars.

Causes of acne

The most common cause of acne is an increased level of androgens in adolescence. Androgens are male hormones that are present in both boys and girls. Increased levels of these hormones result in an increased production of sebum (oil) thereby resulting in infection or clogging of the skin causing acne.

Hormonal changes in women during, before, or after pregnancy can cause acne. Sometimes, the hormonal imbalances resulting from the beginning of the cessation of oral birth control pills can also lead to this skin problem in women. One of the most important factors is genetics or heredity. Pimples are more prevalent in those whose parents also had the problem.

Many medications such as androgen hormones, lithium, etc. might result in the development of acne. Certain cosmetic products, which are thick can result in clogging of the hair follicles and can cause pimples.

Homeopathic treatment for acne

Acne doesn’t pose any serious threat to health but if left untreated, it can seriously affect the social life of individuals. In some cases, the pimples, when gone, can leave scars on the affected part. This can be prevented using effective homeopathic medicine for acne scars. Whatever be the cause, homeopathy is the best treatment option for acne. Homeopathic acne treatment is recommended as it is safer compared to conventional medicines.

Homeopathy: Acne healing warrior

Homeopathy has proven to be a very effective treatment for easing acne. There are many homeopathic medicines that are best for all types of acne. 2 cases of severe acne were treated with customized homeopathic medicines. Both patients were treated based on their individual characteristics. The case reports proposed a remission rate of more than 80% using customized homeopathy treatment. This treatment remained effective long after cessation. (Source: Karger Journal)

Homeopathic remedies for acne

Acne can be triggered by many factors like hormones, food habits, climatic factors, sedentary and irregular lifestyle, stress etc. Homeopathic treatment for acne can be highly personalized.

Calcarea Sulphuricum: This is the medicine of choice in case of patients having pus-forming acne. The patient might suffer from a decreased tolerance to heat. The acne can be large, red, inflamed, and often painful, leaving scars on the affected area.

Silica: A wonder medicine obtained from mineral sources; the element Silica (Si) works on the immune system. It is helpful in maintaining the hormonal balance. It further reduces the tendency of pus formation.

Dulcamara: This medicine is derived from plant sources. It works on acne scars. In patients who have their faces full of acne and with some allergic rashes, are preferably treated with this medicine. When acne increases with the change of climate from dry to humid, Dulcamara is the best homeopathic medicine for acne.

Natrum Muriaticum: It is the best homeopathic medicine for acne and pimples in women suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and menstrual irregularities. Natrum Muriaticum is also best for patients having oily or hairy skin, hypertrophic acne, and scars.

Don’t self-medicate. Always consult a professional homeopathic doctor to determine an appropriate remedy that will treat your skin problems.

Dr Batra’s™ has the experience and expertise of treating over 10,000 acne cases over the last 35 years. As authenticated by American Quality Assessors, our success rate is 94.3% in treating skin disorders, including acne/pimples.

If you or your loved one wants to seek safe, effective, and natural acne treatment, book an appointment with our skin doctors now!

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