Is there anyone on planet earth that hasn’t gone through the pangs of the common cold — at least once, or twice, in any given year? None, really.

The common cold is also a common turn of phrase: for someone bitten by a cold to say that they have a ‘bad’ cold is obvious. The point is: when is a cold ‘good?’ It never is; it never will be.

The common cold is disconcerting. It is one of the most contagious illnesses of the mucous membranes, lining the upper respiratory tract. It varies in its manifestation, depending upon the areas involved, the intensity of infection and/or inflammation, not to speak of the presence of ‘complications.’ 


Cold is symbolised by a distorted ‘baritone’ voice, or nasal twang, caused by viral (rhinovirus) incursions. There are over 200 such viral offenders in the air — this is quite a number, or statistical roll-call, that triggers the common cold all through the year.

The incubation period, or time interval between infection and appearance of cold symptoms, is 12-48 hours.  Factors that may lead to cold infections may be overcrowding, sudden exposure, variations in weather conditions, smoke, dust, odours and/or pre-existing disorders like adenoid growth, chronic sinusitis, septic tonsillitis, or any related infection of the nasopharyngeal system.  A routine malady in children, common cold is too prevalent in winter and rainy months.

The onset may be sudden, followed by chill, body ache or pain, a low-grade feverish feeling, nasal and throat irritation and frequent sneezing.  The nasal discharge may initially be watery, plentiful and sometimes excoriating. When a cold turns ripe, it may become thick and purulent.  As the cold progresses, one’s sense of smell and taste may get affected; the eyes may irrigate profusely, as if one is chopping onions. A full-blown cold may extend its ‘hold’ to the nearby structures. The resultant effect may be sinusitis, ear infection or catarrh, laryngitis, bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, deafness and bacterial infections.


  • Nasal congestion and discharge, due to inflammation of the mucous layers of the nose (rhinitis) 
  • Sore throat 
  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • Dry cough, at times
  • Malaise, generalised body aches or pain
  • Sweating
  • A mild fever may infrequently accompany local symptoms.


Homeopathy does not suppress or quash a cold. It believes in enhancing our immunity and immune response to common cold viruses and infections. Homeopathy is not only therapeutic; it also works as a useful preventative medicine, especially in frequent cold infections. It keeps them at bay and/or reduces their intensity, should they occur.

It is best to treat colds with homeopathy the moment you get the feeling (in the form of a tickly throat, sneezing bouts etc.,) that you are going to ‘catch’ the illness. 

A few doses of a suitable homeopathic medicine for colds may be all you need to terminate a cold brought on by exposure to dry, chilly winds, or at the beginning of a cold; or, when there is a strong tendency to catch colds at every change of weather; or, when the temperature changes from hot/warm to cold. 

The next time you feel you’re going to catch a cold, or have a runny nose, don’t allow it to play sniffles with you. So, beat or crush your ‘nosey blues’ with homeopathy, promptly.


  • Avoid close contact with people having cold
  • Wash hands frequently, with soap and water
  • Avoid exposure to sudden changes in temperature, especially after over-exertion
  • Promote adequate bed rest, to reduce the risk of complications
  • Consume adequate fluids and nutritious food
  • Take vitamin C (1,000mg), aside from a vitamin D-zinc supplement, daily
  • Steam inhalation [for 10 minutes, twice daily] is useful
  • Follow-up with your homeopathic doctor, on a regular basis.


Note: Special diets, or fasting, have no influence on the course of common cold.

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