Don't ignore asthma symptoms. Consult a homeopath!

Don't ignore asthma symptoms. Consult a homeopath!

February 29, 2020

Has it ever happened to you are struggling to keep up with your friends on the field? Do stop at regular intervals to catch a breath? You could be suffering from asthma. Asthma is a medical condition wherein there is a spasm, mucus or inflammation in the airways and so typically you would experience wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness. Asthma disease has affected many lives and nearly 250,000 people reportedly die every year from this.

What are we looking at?

Asthma causes affect the respiratory system, the smaller airways (bronchi and bronchioles) in particular. In asthma, these airways are chronically inflamed and are super-responsive to certain asthma causes. When people with asthma are exposed to triggers like tobacco smoke, pollen, pollution and even common cold, an asthma attack or flare-ups can occur. If an asthmatic is exposed to a trigger, more mucus is secreted than normal. Constriction of smooth muscles due to that results in the tightness of the chest.

How it can be fatal?

Over time, inflammation can cause it harder to exhale than inhale. This causes an excess of air in the lungs, a phenomenon called hyperinflation. As time goes by, the air trapped inside causes the body to work hard to move the air in and out of the lungs. This could cause a decrease in oxygen delivery to the body tissues over time. When the body cannot keep up, it leads to death by lack of oxygen.

You might also want to read on risk factors for an asthma attack.

Conventional treatment

Depending on the severity of the condition asthma treatment can be suggested.  It could be a single pill or inhaled steroids in order to suppress the inflammation in the chest. In most cases, bronchodilators are used. Bronchodilators are inhalers that make breathing easier by relaxing the muscles and widening the airways for smooth airflow. It could be a combination of both as well in some cases. Breathing exercises are very helpful wherein patients are advised to breathe in as slow as possible. Patients tend to panic and breathe very fast which could aggravate the asthma attack.

Each method mentioned above could present possible side effects on the asthma patient. In terms of asthma pills, side effects could include anxiety, nervousness, headaches, dizziness, high blood pressure, weight gain, and muscle weakness among others. When it comes to inhaled corticosteroids, possible side-effects could include oral thrush, acne, mood swings and upset stomach. Also, breathing exercise, although helpful, does not present a permanent solution. You need something concrete and long-term. Opt for homeopathy.

Asthma treatment in homeopathy

Asthma treatment in homeopathy is the most natural approach. As we know asthma develops from the amalgamation of genetic and environmental triggers, it is imperative to dig out the patient’s medical and family history. In homeopathy, treating asthma is different for every individual and then a customized medication is given. There is no primary or generic remedy for this condition in homeopathy. At Dr Batra’s™, asthma is tackled by targeting the underlying cause and not just suppressing the external symptoms. Patient's long-term relief is top on the priority list and their testimonials show that it is achieved at a high success rate. You can see for yourself by booking an appointment with us online.

Bottom line

In time you will realize that homeopathic medicine for asthma is the best option available. Do not set off in trepidation, asthma is definitely treatable with the right medication and mind-set.

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