5 Tips for a Healthy Thyroid

5 Tips for a healthy thyroid

July 24, 2017 , Last updated: June 12, 2024

Thyroid is a small but a mighty butterfly shaped gland placed in front of the neck. The thyroid’s job specifically is to produce and balance 2 hormones in your body i.e. T4 (Thyroxine or tetraiodothyronine) and T3 (Tri-iodothyronine). When the balance is disturbed the thyroid either cannot produce enough hormones leading to a condition called as Hypothyroid or it may produce the hormones more than what is required which is called as Hyperthyroid.

Your thyroid not only affects your metabolism but it also affects many other things, like your heart rate, cholesterol levels, body weight, digestion, energy levels, muscle function, fertility, menstrual regularity and mood.

Your Healthy Thyroid Plan

  • Maintaining Healthy Weight: This is your best bet. Metabolism becomes very sluggish when the thyroid becomes underactive hence it leads to weight gain. Maintaining healthy weight is of top most importance. Exercise, healthy eating habits and restful sleep help to maintain optimum weight. It helps bringing back the equilibrium of the mind and body by helping the thyroid hormone to come back to normal state.


  • Correcting Iodine Deficiencies: Iodine deficiencies are strongly linked to thyroid disorders. It is more common among women of child bearing age. You can find iodine in sea foods like fish, shell fish and sea vegetables such as kelp; some dairy products and plants grown in Iodine rich soil.


  • Treating Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies: Vitamin D is absorbed in the small intestine. A leaky gut which is very common in a hypothyroid individual can interfere with the absorption of vitamin D causing deficiency of vitamin D. Hence only post blood test for Vitamin D it will be advised by your doctor as to how long you would require the supplementation. Zinc and iron are known to help convert T4 to T3 (the more active form of hormone), which your body needs for metabolic processes. Because of this, iron and/ or zinc deficiencies have been linked to hypothyroidism.


  • Managing Stress: Stress affects the immune system to become weak which can spark an autoimmune disease that damages and impairs the thyroid gland functions. Physical or emotional stress can cause an underactive thyroid in those people who have an underlying genetic background. Seeking help of a professional would help in reducing anxiety, depression feelings caused because of stress. Stay positive. Meditation, exercises, deep breathing, yoga are a few relaxation techniques which if practiced could help to reduce stress and boost your energy and mood.


  • Keeping Female Hormones Balanced: Thyroid disorders are more common in women than men. Oestrogen levels fluctuate greatly during child bearing years. Seek help from a doctor who can help you to balance the thyroid with proper guidance on medicine, diet and exercise. This would also help in maintaining optimum weight.
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