10 things you should know about male pattern baldness

10 things you should know about male pattern baldness

Male Pattern Baldness
June 15, 2021

According to the American Hair Loss Association, 95% of hair fall in men is caused by androgenetic alopecia aka male pattern baldness. Let us take a look at a list of 10 things you need to know about losing your hair.

  1. How to know if you’re going bald?

    If you are randomly losing patches of hair then you might have alopecia, a condition where you lose patches of hair from parts of your body. In extreme cases, this might affect all of the hair on the body. Alopecia has hereditary and autoimmune factors (where the body mistakenly attacks itself). Does your hair loss occur in a more regular receding pattern, usually from the temples and crown of the head? Then you probably have male pattern hair loss.

  2. Will the rest of your hair fall out (e.g., eyebrows or eyelashes)?

    Only scalp hair is affected by male pattern baldness. Other areas like the beard or armpits might be affected by alopecia.

  3. How quickly will you lose your hair?

    Male pattern hair loss usually takes 15-25 years. Half of the 50-year-olds are quite bald. (Source: The Telegraph) Nevertheless, some men go bald in less than five years. (Source: Medical Daily) It may not be possible to determine how long the process will take.

  4. Why are you losing your hair? Is it genetic?

    You might be losing your hair because your body is becoming increasingly sensitive to male sex hormones called androgens. The extent to which your scalp is affected by this process is genetic. You can lose your hair because of illness or surgical procedures, stressful circumstances, changes in hormone levels, and scalp infections. But in many cases, hair loss is not permanent.

  5. Is baldness caused by emotional stress or sexual frustration?

    Do you find your hair falling out in clumps or at unpredictable times? It is most probable to be the symptom of something different. This could be stress-related. But it is not likely to be caused by sexual frustration. The best thing you can do is to consult your doctor for a checkup.

  6. Will stress make you go bald quicker?

    Stress can cause hair loss. But hair loss caused by stress is seldom permanent. There is a type of hair loss that can be caused by severe stress called telogen effluvium. This interrupts the growth cycle of your hair follicles causing hair to shed.

  7. Will you suffer any psychological problems as a result of going bald?

    Do you fear going bald? It can lead to high stress levels, low self-esteem, reduced sex drive, and depression. Try to comprehend the causes and accept them. You are much more likely to overcome these fears. Do you feel a momentary loss of confidence when you realize you are losing hair? You can overcome this quickly. Face up to the realities of baldness to ensure you won’t suffer psychological problems. Accept it or pursue treatment that works for you.

  8. Should you increase your protein intake?

    Protein intake can help to reduce the rate of hair loss. Hence, consume meat and other protein sources for visible results.

  9. What are the possible side effects of conventional hair fall treatment?

    The common side-effects of Minoxidil lotion are scalp and skin irritation. More rarely, it can cause changes in hair color and texture. Sometimes, Finasteride medicine can cause a rash and some users might experience reduced libido and erectile problems.

  10. Is there anything you can do to stop your hair from falling out naturally?

    Everyone loses hair naturally and it is normal for hair to fall out (approximately 50-100 hair strands) when you get older. But you should seek treatment when you notice excessive hair fall.

10 things you should know about male pattern baldness

Homeopathic hair loss treatment for men

Hair loss could be an indication of an underlying problem such as thyroid disorder, nutritional deficiency, stress or others. Homeopathic medicines address the root cause of hair fall in men. Overall, they help to enhance the immune system to reduce the severity of the condition. Homeopathic hair treatment for men helps to control hair fall and promote hair regrowth. It helps to prevent any infection and fight scalp conditions that can cause male pattern baldness.

According to a study, the homeopathic remedy Arnica provided satisfactory results in the stimulation of hair regrowth and hair fall control treatment. (Source: The Journal of Drug Delivery & Therapeutics) Remember not to self-medicate. You should always consult an expert homeopathic doctor.

Male pattern baldness treatment at Dr Batra’s®

Dr Batra’s® male pattern baldness treatment options are safe, effective, and side-effect-free. We provide the best hair fall treatment for men because our homeopathic doctor reviews the patient’s physical and psychological symptoms, to create an individualized treatment plan. This plan incorporates homeopathic medicine for hair loss, suitable hair treatment and hair fall control tips. Over the last 35 years, we have successfully treated over 6 lakh people suffering from hair problems. As authenticated by the American Quality Assessors, we have a positive treatment outcome rate of 96.6%. To get individualized, effective, and safe treatment for all your hair problems, book an online appointment with us.

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