Father, Mother, Big Brother, sister (married), younger brother, sister in law, niece & a nephew.
B.A, B.Ed. and I have got doctorate degree by world peace institute of United Nations
Her disability had a profound impact on her perspective and approach to her work and passion. It has provided her with a unique lens through which she view the world and has shaped her determination to create positive change for individuals with disabilities. Here are a few ways her disability has influenced my perspective and approach:
  1. Empathy and Understanding: Being a wheelchair user it has allowed her to develop a deep sense of empathy and understanding towards the challenges faced by individuals with disabilities. She can relate to their struggles and frustrations, which fuels her passion to advocate for their rights and needs.
  2. Passion for Inclusion: Personally experiencing the barriers and discrimination that individuals with disabilities often face has instilled in her a strong desire for inclusion. She is driven to promote a society that embraces diversity, removes physical and social barriers, and ensures equal opportunities for all.
  3. Determination and Resilience: Navigating the world in a wheelchair has taught her the importance of determination and resilience. She has encountered countless obstacles and setbacks, but have learned to overcome them with perseverance and a positive mindset. This resilience influences her work in motivating to find creative solutions and push through challenges.
  4. Expertise and Advocacy: Living with a disability has also given her first-hand knowledge and expertise in various aspects of disability rights, accessibility, and inclusive practices. This knowledge contributes to her effectiveness as an advocate and allows her to educate others on the issues faced by individuals with disabilities.
  5. Challenging Stereotypes: As a wheelchair user, she strive to challenge societal stereotypes and misconceptions surrounding disability. She aim to change the narrative around disabilities, emphasizing the abilities, talents, and potential of individuals with disabilities. This approach is reflected in her work and advocacy efforts. She is grateful that her journey as a para-athlete, motivational speaker, and social worker has inspired others and helped them confront their mental health challenges. Through her own courage and resilience, she want to show others that they can overcome obstacles and thrive despite their circumstances.
  6. As a para-athlete, she has faced her own physical limitations and learned to push past them. This experience has given her a unique perspective on the power of determination, and she used her platform to inspire others to believe in their own abilities. By sharing her story, she aim to encourage individuals who may be facing mental health issues or depression, reminding them that they are not alone and that there is always hope for a brighter future.
Overall, her disability has shaped her perspective and approach by fostering empathy, determination, and a passion for inclusion. It has given me a unique understanding of the barriers faced by individuals with disabilities and fuels my drive to create a more inclusive and equitable society.
As a para-athlete, she has encountered various challenges on her journey. One of the most significant challenge she faced was overcoming self-doubt and societal stereotypes. When she first started competing, she constantly questioned her own abilities and wondered if she could truly succeed as a para-athlete. Additionally, many people around her had preconceived notions about what individuals with disabilities can or cannot achieve.

To overcome these challenges, she had to develop a strong mindset and belief in herself. She focused on setting realistic goals for herself and continuously working towards them. She surrounded herself with a supportive community of coaches, teammates, and mentors who believed in her abilities and pushed her to excel.

Another challenge she faced was the physical demands of training and competition. As a para-athlete, she had to adapt to using adaptive equipment and navigate the intricacies of her specific disability. This required perseverance and a willingness to push through physical discomfort. She embraced a rigorous training regimen and worked closely with her coaches and therapists to develop personalized strategies for maximizing her performance.

Furthermore, she faced logistical challenges such as accessing accessible training facilities, securing necessary equipment, and navigating travel arrangements. These challenges required proactive problem-solving skills and resourcefulness.
  1. Represented India in international competitions: Being selected to represent India in wheelchair basketball at international events has been a great honour.
  2. Winning medals whether it's at the national or international level, winning championships and national and state award are always a major milestones.
  3. Inspiring others: One of the most fulfilling achievements for he is being able to inspire and motivate others through her story and journey as a wheelchair basketball player.
  4. As a social worker, she worked tirelessly to advocate for the rights and inclusion of individuals with disabilities in society. She has been involved in various campaigns, initiatives, and awareness programs to promote accessibility, equal opportunities, and disability rights.
Being a wheelchair user or you can say disabled & a role model is to encourage people to embrace inclusivity & to recognise the abilities of individuals with disabilities. Disability should not be seen as a limitation, but rather as an opportunity for growth & understanding. It is essential for society to break down barriers & provide equal opportunities for everyone, regardless of their physical abilities. By embracing diversity & fostering inclusivity, we can create a more accepting & supportive society where everyone can thrive.
Inshah Bashir